• Ocean fishin’ with the work crew

    Loaded for bear First catch (a little one) (…the ones underneath…those are the bait!) Once you catch ’em, you have to catch ’em again…in the boat! Me hanging on for dear life (the boat, she was a rockin’) AJ chumming the waters, again (seasick much?) Hey, it worked! (After a couple hours of lax fish…

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  • Check Engine

    Yes, this is a rant. While tooling around with the college gang somewheres about Michigan (see previous entry), my check engine light comes on. Remember when Check Engine used to mean something? Why, I remember when that meant your alternator just died, and you had two hours of drive time (with everything juice-draining off) until…

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  • Homegoing at a glance or slightly more

    J* and E*: It’s like I was never gone at all. T*: Did we like, used to know each other or something? T*’s bitch: Still an asshole as ever. Immediately entered Turf Protection mode. (Incidentally, I come to find out I’ve been attaining sort of a bad reputation in my absence…) (Hey…um…I’m 23 and live…

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  • Pseudointellectual one-night stands

    Shit dammit. I think I just became some girl’s intellectual tampon. (I’d google ya up a link, but it looks like I just invented this term. Similar concept to the emotional tampon, though.) Reminds me of that Fight Club quote about single-serving friends. Anyway, the entrails if y’all nerdy types wish to dissect them. Ya,…

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  • Shaw’s: A little hilarity along the way

    Yeah, so I was in Shaw’s today (or Shah’s, as these New Englanders call it) picking up the usual assortment of random bachelor-chow, and had just deterministically selected the fastest checkout line (pick the line full of fellow bachelors with their purchases pre-staged for loading, cash and credit cards already in hand; not the one…

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  • Tim I know your not a very godly person but please pray that he loves me and will call me please

    I couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. I made a promise (which is not something I do lightly, or often) and don’t back out on promises, but a hardcore agnostic saying a prayer…how does that even work? “Dear God, I don’t know if you exist or not, but just in case…” That has got…

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  • Lots of booze I don’t particularly like. A shocker, I know :-)

    I thought, “Yeah, I’ve been through college, there ain’t a booze on this earth I’ll have trouble slurping down.” Today, we had this Scotch tasting after work (come on folks, you can stop sending me resumes already) and I concluded that Scotch really isn’t my bag. To my jaded tongue (probably spoiled by years of…

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  • Resolution..?

    Almost same day, almost same topic…okay, exact same topic. Talked to the aforementioned deadbeat today, had a nice long chat about the whole situation, and he gives me his assurance that he’s not trying to be a stringing-girls-along cunt, and there’s a lot of “ain’t-easy” to the situation that I haven’t been seeing. And you…

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  • Off Grid

    Yes folks, I am now at the point of faking connection problems as the ‘most graceful’ exit strategy for uncomfortable questions. Why the hell am I protecting that deadbeat? I’m not. My main concern is The Fiancee (tF), whose stability is in considerable question. Of secondary concern is The Girlfriend (tG), who I still (somewhat…

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  • Parentals

    Ya, had my folks pop up to Boston for the weekend, which was pretty cool. They missed me so much they bought me furniture! (Okay, it was probably the fact that I hadn’t bothered to buy a bed yet, and was crashing out on a mattress I got from a guy at work.) And generally…

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  • Nak

    Ewww. I really, really, really did not need to read that. (And no, I’m not going to say what, because I know how much it infuriates people when I do this. Hahaha.) It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling right between the lungs… kinda like the feeling you’d get seeing someone using a Stradavarius to…

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  • Presentation

    Presenting stuff. I really really hate presenting stuff. Not just because I have to present stuff, and stuff, but because it involves getting up in front of a whole bunch of people and talking about stuff that can’t be adequately explained in 30 minutes (by me, anyway–not the best explainer-of-stuff to begin with). Anyway, the…

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  • Who wants to kick an ass?

    I do, I do! After spending weeks intermittently puzzling over sporadic, but semi-deterministic odd behaviors on the chip I was hacking firmware for at work (you know, like return instructions that didn’t return), and throwing in "good-luck NOPs" until mysterious problems just as mysteriously went away (and hoping they didn’t return), I go and manage…

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  • Hahahaha

    ok, had to put this in since I cracked the hell up when I read this phrase: "infringement of nasal privacy" QOTD: Keep life as it is in fundamental simplicity, and clarity will arise itself. Only by doing nothing will you do all there is to be done.

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  • Dot.Bomb, round 2

    Yep, our friends at it again. Nuffin to report on that front, at the moment anyway. QOTD: There are 4 boxes to use in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order. Starting now.

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  • Going-away party for the Dos

    As subject implies :-) Hung with the whole work crew for a few hours, then us young farts branched off to have a (Dos’s last) night out on the town. Great times, with the possible exception of showing up at Georges (bar), which was completely dead and smelled like fish. Got the hell outta there.…

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  • St. Paddy’s

    Ah, good ole St. Patrick’s day… an excuse to go out drinkin’ on a work night. So yeah, all us young farts convened on this place whose name I can’t remember, and tried to dance with a bunch of girls who paid us little attention. I think a couple of us (myself not among them)…

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  • And the 2004 Go Bugger a Hamster award goes to…

    Well, I got a friendly letter from this dot.bomb today care of the Web site I administer, Something to the effect of “we’re ready to IPO and need to sanitize our image a bit, so takedown your site’s factual but negative information about our company, or we sue” (okay, I read between the lines a…

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  • Policy of truth

    Ahh…that queasy I-just-swallowed-live-butterflies feeling. Ya, um…this not-lying-to-people thing… I kinda wonder why I keep with it. Have you ever done an experiment and gotten a result you know just can’t be right, so you do it again, and keep getting the same impossible result? Maybe it is time for me to learn from the experts,…

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  • It was on fire when I laid down on it

    Our lab caught fire today. That was…interesting. Some few hundred people wandering about the parking lot, chatting idly, blinking in the sunlight. More fire trucks than I knew Medford had. From my neck of the lab, it’s amazing how really not-loud the fire alarm is. I thought someone had tripped some kind of theft alarm…

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