I love Scams!
Title: I AM ME Author: Me TACGATCA ACCGTTCA GGTAAGTC CGATTCCG GATTCACA TCGAACTA GCGTACCG CTGAGGCT AGTCCGAT TTATCGAC GGTCCACA CAGGTCCA TCCGACCG ACGTGCTC GCTAGGTC TACGTAAT What you’ve just read is a work of exceptional artistic expression. So exceptional, in fact, that it will be featured in the anthology of the International League of Poetry, and is a semi-finalist…
Grrrr #1 (yesterday) “I have good news and bad news. The good news is we have a wonderful testing opportunity for LCxxx (super-secret project slated to wrap up in, oh, April). Bad news is we’ll need a fully debugged, working prototype by next Friday. It’ll need to record continuously for 3 months on the ridiculously…
Storyful times
Ha, when the cat’s away, I wonder what the mouse will say? This cat’s been hearing some interesting ones lately. First off, I’m apparently madly in love with T*, who, as you might notice, gets entirely too much attention in this here bloggg :-) . Unfortunately, this is as much news to me as it…
These gentle walls, this metal sky
I had an interesting conversation with T* today, where I was asked if I have emotions. Izznt dat veerd? Well, maybe not so wierd. I hadn’t really given this much thought before. That is, how this whole uneasy agreement between mind and body that is me appears to the casual observer. Probably a little too…
I Fail It
Tonight has not been my night for communication. I feel like I’ve fallen into a fountain of stupid and can’t claw my way back out. In two separate occasions, trying to ease things and then to just have a normal conversation without violating my personal ethics, I’ve only made things worse. It’s a good thing…
White powder
As foretold by prophecy, I hit the slopes again today. (Umm…*snif* I can quit whenever I want) Actually getting the hang of this thing now, and have advanced from ridiculous speed to ludicrous speed and (mostly) mastered the art of slicing around randomly without planting my face. In fact, the guys I was meeting at…
“earth’s organic heritage”
Getting involved at all in this could cause me to lose some people I happen to like. But it’s just so hard to bite my tongue, while seeing her tear herself apart, in the hope that I am wrong. QOTD: Ye cannot get the FLASK. It is firmly bolted to a wall which is bolted…
Woohoo, Friday
Okay, let’s see. I got my first east-coast paycheck! (Actually, I think I got the stub yesterday, but still, kickass.) I’m not trying to sound money-grubbingly materialistic here or anything – this whole moving thing tends to leave you broke, since everyone wants your money before you’ve got any. And now I’ve got some, so…
It’s official! My card came today.
Yup… I have officially joined the ranks of the loser. Yes, that thar’s an internet singles site, and yes, I’m on it. Now, to join a hotornot… QOTD: S*: im bored…… come and get me Me: hehe Me: sounds like a sandwich’s last words Me: oooo, new form of matter S*: what bout sandwiches\???? Me:…
Modes of failure
“Here I sit now, broken-hearted…”, goes the familiar bathroom-stall scrawl. While not exactly reveling in my single-ness, watching the supernovae of relationships of those close to me has me re-evaluating this position. At the present moment I am consoling my brother’s fiancee, who sounds just absolutely despondent over feelings that he doesn’t care about her…
I am roastified
Ah, hey, warmness. Well relatively speaking, anyway. The past week or so the mercury alcohol bimetallic strip weather report has been hovering in the single digits and occasional negative ones. Today it was a balmy 30 or so, so I came out of hibernation this morning early enough to finally get a bank account while…
What next, 0xDEADBEEF?
Man, being the evil microcontroller genius is nice, but being it for 8 hours a day at work gets inside your head, or something. I was up last night nuking a late-night snack (leftover thai noodles from Sweet Chili’s). When the microwave finished, it dislpayed ‘F00D’ in big letters… and I couldn’t decide whether I…
All the wrong reasons
I learned today, through a grapevine of extraordinary magnitude, that someone I know has been cheating on someone I care about with someone else I care about, which bugs me a bit. (Sorry folks, I don’t do that private-entry crap, so you’ll have to take some educated guesses here.) Since I have no stake in…
Operation shag-pad II!
Well, I have officially moved into the $635/mo place. Which is good, because I will need the extra cash to sink into my car, which has decided to make its last stand in the office parking lot. It was only a busted starter (as far as the ‘necessary’ repairs; the soup can and duct tape…
Operation shag-pad!
Wow, that feels wierd… typing ’04. Anyway, apartment real-estate dude never got back to me, but I did find this other place and check it out. Holy crap! Rent is $635/mo, dirt-ass cheap for this area, walking distance from where I work, and already has a fridge/microwave/tv/etc. All (most of) the comforts of home. Ahhh……
8:30pm All packed and headed out. Parents getting all teary and stuff. Come on guys, I’ll only be a metric fuckload of few miles away, globally speaking. You could drive there in a couple days if you really wanted to. And I promise I’ll keep in hiding touch. 9pm Headed out for real this time,…
New years
Ah, it’s more official than ever. This morning the Boston guy called, and he says, “Where are you? Are you at the airport, can I pick you up?” I can’t ever tell if this guy’s being serious or not. But the executive summary of this story is that I’m wanted out there and pronto (by…
Sweet home
My good buddy from college, KRISTOFF, crazied on in this morning in his bright yellow fruitcakebeetle. We decided that, being one of my possibly last days in Chi-Town, we’d take the train downtown and spend the day bumming around. Armed with a trusty (or is that touristy?) street map, we went in search of a…
Little reminders
The first part of today involved picking up T* and taking her back to my house to hang out and meet my brother and some friends. So we hung out a bit at my house, and then went over to see The Dr. for a few hours. It was a good time. The whole time…
Ah…spent a good portion of today (yesterday) hanging with a couple friends at Ja*’s house, enjoying some yummy pizza. These are good times, I am going to miss them so much. At one point Ja* actually laughed Sierra Mist out his nose; at several others, Je* got us to (temporarily) lose our appetites with what…
Find stuff…
- Das Blinkenlichten – wearable lighting
- Goldmine Electronics LCD pinout (mini-teardown)
- Mosquino: an Arduino-based energy harvesting development board
- Pick and Place Project
blinkenlichten broken brokenbydesign circuit bending cnc codebending comcast corporates crashes dell error evil foodz freezes gadget garden glitch music groan hangs humor idiocy led lirc machine meme NES norrisolide pickplace precision python recipe reprap rgb salesdouche serial stupidity sucks t3400 teardown ticket timtearsitapart usb webcam windows xp