• Xmas in a nutshell

    Today was our big Christmas dinner with my mom’s side of the family. To my shock and amazement, everyone stuck around after they were done scarfing floor-turkey (of course, we didn’t tell them they were eating floor-turkey…um, it was all washed off and stuff…I think…) and talked and stuff. My uncles and us young ‘uns…

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  • Holiday bleh pt2

    Ya, it’s the holidays, so my folks have gone raving psychotic. I awake to the sounds of them screaming and bitching at each other downstairs, which only happens just before Christmas (like clockwork) and to a lesser extent, Thanksgiving, especially if there are relatives coming over. How it works is that Party A gets worked…

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  • Woodgathering

    Ah…project pimp-out-my-car-until-some-idiot-will-buy-it continues :-) Late last night, about a vanload of construction site dumpster wood and you know, since the dumpsters were probably too full to put anymore scrap in, the much-nicer wood leaned up against the dumpsters became aware of its true calling, which is to provide Phat Window-Rattling Bass Action powerful, precision sound…

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  • Holiday, bleh

    Well, my walking papers just came. That is, the formal offer from the place in Boston that’s hiring me. Which I will take, because I’ve been out of school for a year looking for work, and dammit, I need a job. But until today it never really, truly sank in that within a few weeks…

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  • Trashin’

    Tonight, my bro came home all pissed off. He was in a car accident in Cicero with some lane-jumping punk, which hurt his girlfriend’s recently-operated-on knee and mashed up the front/side of his unghettomobile a bit. Also along for the ride were E (Eric) and terminator The Doctor yogurt boy Matt, and it was like…

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  • Unrecoverable

    So, a while back I was watching Blind Date (arrgh..TV…brain…melting). There was this guy, and this girl, and they obviously had some attraction, and things appeared to be going well. In the course of the typical smalltalk, they got on the subject of parties, and he told her about a time when he was at…

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  • Xmas play

    Oh yeah, and my brother’s Christmas play was today.

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  • Antikythera Machine

    Christmas dinner with the side of the family in Iowa. Actually, this is a loose approximation; it actually consisted of meeting for lunch at this diner, about half the group leaving directly afterward, and those of us that remained coming back to my uncle’s and watching a show on the History channel for a few…

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  • enum{out, stuff, people}

    Ah, yes, now I remember why I don’t tell my folks what I’m doing when I go out. Believing the issue of where I was the day before to be satisfactorily resolved (“Where ya going?” “Out.” “What ya doing?” “Stuff.” “Who with?” “People.”), my old man comes out of the blue with something similar to…

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  • The shivers x3

    My afternoon began with my most favorite thing ever, a trip to the dentist! And I find out that after all these years of immaculate dental hygeine, I have a cavity. So I got drilled and filled and sent on my merry way with that strange sensation(?) of not being able to detect half of…

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  • Practicin’ my B&Es

    Damn. Now that I have this journal-thingie I feel compelled to write in it, and stuff. I don’t remember what I did all afternoon, but evening-to-night I was testing out this old car CD deck I was going to install (you know, to double my car’s resale value and all). So I scoped it to…

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  • Journal thingie

    After making the snap decision to start maintaining a journal-thingy (well, non-snap, I did have a little inspiration :-) , I’ve decided that this text-file-on-my-desktop thing just won’t cut it. And I don’t trust those millions of free-online-journal sites with my ever-so-valuable Intellectual Property. (Business model, what’s that? Where’s my data, you going-out-of-business bastards! I…

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  • Amusal

    Last night I was talking with my cousin online, and she asked if any of my friends were on so she could fuck with them. Matt was on. So she messaged him out of the blue, asking me all sorts of personal questions about him, and used this information to play the role of a…

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  • Dislogic

    Once again, I make an investment of time that I know will never be returned. That gold-diggin ex of mine wrote me wanting to get together, and I wrote back. Why did I do this? By any sane cost-benefit analysis, I should have become oblivious to her existence in July or so–the action of responding…

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  • Easy Silence

    Well, that’s a first for a while. Although I am all too familiar with the (brooding, judgmental) ‘uneasy silence’, before today, the concept of an ‘easy silence’ was fading into the blackness of my mind. I am more used to those who consider a transient lull in conversation to be a fault condition that must…

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