


Ewww. I really, really, really did not need to read that. (And no, I’m not going to say what, because I know how much it infuriates people when I do this. Hahaha.) It gives me that warm fuzzy feeling right between the lungs… kinda like the feeling you’d get seeing someone using a Stradavarius to crack walnuts. Which reminds me, I really should make a habit of actually writing in this thing, even though I don’t really have time for it anymore, and the only person(s) who ‘officially’ know of this thing’s existance don’t really seem to give a shit about it (nor much of anything for that matter) anymore…and tho(s)e who officially don’t know of its existance…do, it seems. Probably not a good thing, since I’ve made a goal of not mixing up my personal and professional lives too much. As much as I’d love for the people I work with to randomly start asking about how my old roommate’s divorce is going, or the War On Spyware, or the ever-popular “Do you have a blog…?”

Hmm…. I was probably meaning to go somewhere with this… and will probably remember where, as soon as I sober up. (Heh…just kidding people. Especially work-people :-)

QOTD: When in doubt, tell the truth. It will amaze most people, delight your friends and confuse your enemies.
~ Mark Twain






2 responses to “Nak”

  1. Steve Avatar

    I have no idea what this post was about. LOL.

    -Steve (Adware Removal Reviews)

  2. tissit Avatar

    Kind of like the feeling you get when you see something like ‘Stradavarius’

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