(Um…4096-1?) Should have been hack-hack-hackin’ away on PV2 stuff (sorry guys!), but got a little tied up this weekend (ahem, figuratively speaking). New England Fetish Fair! With fetishy freaks J.R. and Iz*. And this girl Rac*, that Iz* knows. (Er…I didn’t figure out that she was a girl at first.) And discovered these wonderful things…
Hah! Most cracked out. Game. Ever. Katamari Damancy. You see, We really did it. The King of All Cosmos has really done it. A sky full of stars… We broke it. Yes, We were naughty. Completely naughty. So, so very sorry. But just between you and Us, it felt quite good. Not that We can…
Chicago Thanksgiving
Wow, there was no yelling, screaming or airborne thuddifying turkey this year. Typical scooty relatives, but that’s just a given. And I can understand being caught between multiple Thanksgiving dinner get-togethers across multiple families. I just realized, this entry marks something kinda sorta like the 1-year anniversary of this here bloggg. (All right, probably a…
You’re dsPICable!
Ya, dodged work along with junior-senior-engineer(?) G* to attend a tech seminar on the dsPIC micro/DSP rolled into one. Getting paid to dodge work (w/ blessing) is nice. Not really much to write about this, so this is here mainly for the timestamp. All right, just one bit because it amused me. The dsPIC core…
Woohoo! We’ve got to do this every year. Maybe a few times a year. This weekend myself and some guys from work went on a camping trip in NH (8 of us in total). Just for the hell of it, we (most of us – 2 wussies stayed behind) climbed to the top of Mt.…
Calling It
Beep…Beep…Beeeeeeeeeeeeeee….. Time of death, 5:23pm. Officially declaring No* a write-off after flaking out on plans for the 3e+08th time without explanation. (“Friends don’t leave friends hanging consistently.”) My big decision now is whether I should just drop it cleanly, or failness it explicitly. Time to kill the cat and let this indeterminate state collapse into…
Halloweeny fun
Went out for some ribs and drinks with The Sleepy Kitten and some of her NYC pals. Turns out the place we went offers “a Vodka-based drink” in a fishbowl, with about a dozen straws sticking out of it. Umm…our group had 2. After that, we tried to catch a bus and eventually ended up…
Duct Tape Man lives!
Ha, my work celebrates Halloween. I mean, with a passion, constumes, a bit of a party and everything. So of course, being a natural Halloweener (er…hope none of you are using text-to-speech, or that could have sounded bad), I threw something semicreative and last-minute together in typical me fashion. Introducing… Duct Tape Man! QOTD: (after…
Err, I saw a guy get beat down with nightsticks today by Medford’s finest in the mall parking lot. Reasons unknown. QOTD: “When the going gets complex, multiply by the complex conjugate.” – Source unknown
Fronts – week of…this week
Workness: Successfully clawed out from under every and all time-zapping obligations, deadlines and et cetera. Catching up on some much needed, beautiful zzZzzZzZZz… Project Stack: The Walking Man, my brother’s parting gift just before I peeled out of Chicagoland for the last time, exists only as a non-illuminated wallhanging, a (literal) shadow of his former…
Ya call that a house?
Design by committee, I love it. Saw this on the ol’ Slashdot today, Dilbert’s Ultimate House. The premise is, “What do you get when thousands of Dilbert readers put their minds together and design a house?” It’s not bad or anything (hey, I’d live in it!), and certainly interesting, but on the other hand… 1)…
Walk up pointing the field strength meter at them, scribble something in your clipboard, then mutter something ominous to yourself while walking away
Met up with with No* again today for some food / movies / playing with computers. Or was this the “Let’s prowl around in my ghetto little lab” extravaganza? (I really should write this stuff down the day it happens. Meh.) Well, let’s just say that any girl that is heard to without-provocation utter the…
Geeks of the World
Haha, I’m up at 7ish AM on a Sunday. Who, me? Yes, me. (Pause for horrified screams) Probably a good thing, after happening to wake up* just after 2PM (!) the day before. (A few days of in-the-lab-past-midnight-rigging-demos coupled with cloudcover the thickness of Homer Simpson’s skull will do that to ya, I guess. Oh,…
The endless network outage into the night, and the category 5 noose
The internet done died again. Has been happening on and off the past couple days at the new place, which I had been attributing to crappy cablemodem service. One of the downstairs people was idly suspecting a conflict between our various routing and switching boxen, so we played with the settings a bit, restarted everything,…
Ask your doctor about America’s growing drug problem
Reading the paper today I came across another one. An ad prodding me to ask my doctor if (some drug) may be right for me. Does anyone else find it bothersome that drugs–mind altering, body altering, prescription-only DRUGS–are being marketed directly to Joe Sixpack as a consumer commodity item? If you want to see some…
Anyway, as the days grow visibly shorter and that general blahness sets in, I’m sort of absentmindedly examining the entrails of my last relationship. (Ha, that even predates this bloggg. Wow, that’s been a while.) It’s all there. The external disturbances. The oscillatory impulse response. Pre-ringing just before the point of failure, the runaway condition,…
Moving day
Hah…this bit o’ events I already explained in an email to someone, so… *big paste* (for those scratching their heads and going, “hey, this doesn’t sound like your usual blogggging voice”…) The lease on my 4BR apartment expires at the end of this month, and I just found out that all my roommates are moving…
Summer Vacation 2K+4
Lots o’ rocks Won’t budge… Tree and sunset Dad on a rock Mt. Washington…check! Sunset in Bar Harbor (yay dispose-o-cam) Tim in his natural habitat (to all those who have asked me, “did you just crawl out from under a rock?”) A cool-looking hunk of dead tree Gotta love driving in New England Not entirely…
Random Political Rant
This wouldn’t be a proper bloggg without at least one vaguely political rant, so without further ado… I’ve come to a conclusion, and a lot of you are not gonna like it. It goes like this: I’m not voting for any fool who wants to shit up this fine country by increasing our Homeland Security.…
We went out and watched the DNC tonight downtown. OK, actually, we hit the pubs and observed the whole mess from a respectable distance (onscreen!) – but were in the thick of gay marriage and miscellaneous other protesters, blaring their diatribes from bullhorns mounted on gaudily-painted vans (gotta love conditional noise ordinances). I was originally…
Find stuff…
- Das Blinkenlichten – wearable lighting
- Goldmine Electronics LCD pinout (mini-teardown)
- Mosquino: an Arduino-based energy harvesting development board
- Pick and Place Project
blinkenlichten broken brokenbydesign circuit bending cnc codebending comcast corporates crashes dell error evil foodz freezes gadget garden glitch music groan hangs humor idiocy led lirc machine meme NES norrisolide pickplace precision python recipe reprap rgb salesdouche serial stupidity sucks t3400 teardown ticket timtearsitapart usb webcam windows xp