Chicago Thanksgiving



Wow, there was no yelling, screaming or airborne thuddifying turkey this year. Typical scooty relatives, but that’s just a given. And I can understand being caught between multiple Thanksgiving dinner get-togethers across multiple families.

I just realized, this entry marks something kinda sorta like the 1-year anniversary of this here bloggg. (All right, probably a little more than that, but I definitely remember a November turkey-related rant in here somewhere. Wow, has it really been a year already? *checks for gray hairs*)

Saw pretty much the entirety of the core gang (though not necessarily all at once) – D* (+T*), F*, the Nando Clan, J*/E*, Da* briefly. F* and I raced on out to Michigan in the puttering Ghettovan to hang out with K* that day and part of the next (haha…ever seen so many obfuscated-by-habit names all in one place? Sorry folks, just the No Effin Drama guarantee). I think the three of us together form some kind of crazy, world-taking-over unholy alliance :-)

Oh yeah, and E* asked me out of the blue if I had ever considered her as more than friends. I must have greeted the question with a brief quizzical-dog look, so she spilled her guts a bit about her feelings for me over the past (couple years? hard to say for sure). Once I recovered from (doubletake, rough measurement of my feelings on the matter, notationally kicking the fact that I live in, you know, Boston, more detailed measurement of emotional state [confirmed previous result]…in the span of less than three seconds, of course…), I confirmed that I enjoyed her company and would have gone out with her if I knew she felt that way. Anyway, as a consolation prize, I think we’re now in some kind of an “If you ever move back to Chicago, and you’re single, and I’m single…” pact. (Didn’t I hear about a movie like that?)

Grr. Only thing is that would still be a little awkward because I’m also good friends with her sister, who has been jonesing for me since time immemorial (feelings which I do not share, unfortunately). (Also because I have this nasty habit of liking people for more than purely physical reasons, which is apparently unheard of this day and age. But that’s a rant from the archives!) (anyone know where I would be able to pick up a six-pack of Shut The Hell Up for my adoring family if I ever took E* up on it?)

QOTD: “I am NOT interested. As in, if I were to take this phone cord and tie it in a big NOT, that’s how interested I am.” – Me, v. telemarketer






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