Piele met Wiele
“you can practice on cactus but just you be careful of prickin’ your dick on a spine no telling where else you can go dunk your biscuit but don’t touch your sister, she’s mine…” There are many things in life I would rather not have known, and what I learned today was one of them.…
To not exist (one day, for all (t)ime)
It’s not often that I *plonk* someone from my life. It really isn’t, honest. Postcondition: For a couple bucks’ worth or less of gas (in late 2003 dollars), I have an attack lizard to guard my server. And a small amount of added experience dealing with my annoyingly nonlinear species. QOTD: “Infected, pathogen spread /…
Come Too Soon
Went out tonight cruisin’ for a rip-roaring LAN party. J.R. and I picked up some burritos and struck out for a mini gaming get-together with some Amazon Basin people. I only drove in circles a few times :-) (“But it’s off 2A, which is this way…” “But I know you can get there going this…
More pineapple than one person can eat
Over to J.R.’s house to dispense with an impulse-bought pineapple that would have probably dissolved my tongue if I were to eat the whole thing myself. It turns out that pineapple + coconut rum = yummy.
Why are your kids so fucked up?
I had a dream last night. It was of a random summer weekend at my folks’ cabin in rural Morris, IL. The middle of nowhere surrounded by 23 acres of woods, hills and lake. It’s not often that I actually have a dream and remember it (especially in full-motion video), but I vividly remember myself…
foreach $garden_center (@boston) { print “closed for winter”; }
We have another one of them manufactured holiday things coming up. As you may have guessed, I am less than thrilled by this. More like confused, actually. The traditions of this day typically involve passing around a lot of freshly-dead cut flowers, complete with a complex numeric and color code capable of representing every emotional…
Woohoo, Manray
Out to Manray with J. R. + (No* + Ke*). Before this, some yummy Indian food, and before that, the hunt for fashionable attire. J.R. brought along a fairly convincing wig of long black hair and coerced me to wear it (haha, like I ever need coercing to do stuff). I looked eeevil! Or, just…
@ MIT W20 w/ No* 4 DDR. And talk of world-taking-over (for completely benevolent purposes, I assure you) start-up ventures. And ice cream, spooky ice cream, killer ice cream from outer space, whose appearance can only described as ‘radioactive Play-doh’. QOTD: “All I have to do is promise we’ll hang out this weekend. I promised,…
On an unseasonably warm winter night, do you offer your throat to the wolf with the pink pajamas?
Met up with Na* for the first time tonight, for lack of better things to do. This was simultaneously more and less than I had expected. QOTD: A*: Because Science… likes to analyis things tooo much….. i work with Forensic Scientists… and alot dont believe they believe we came from monkeys which come on God…
Grand non-unified dump of wakeup state, instabililty, and the questions of life / the universe / everything
I woke up this morning to the sound of some idiot bitching to some other idiot during a radio phone interview on a station selected for having the most signal strength where my alarm clock is located, with my head apparently full of the grindings of heavy grinding and with no covers left on my…
Vericon 2005
Met up with J.R., Scott, Jesuses 1 & 2 and some other people Friday night; as usual there was entirely way-lots-of cooking, Katamari, geeking around… and an interminable (but fun) round of Taboo; Engineer Geeks vs. Everyone Else. (Being scientifically minded makes it just too easy sometimes. For example, “Poles”. Taboo words mainly relating to…
Aha, so that’s where my bandwidth is going!
After the endless move-to-new-webhost, I had a look at the new and improved stats generator and found John C. Dvorak’s blog in the top 10, by virtue of hotlinking images from the server. If he wasn’t the only PC tech writer with a big pair of brass ones, I’d be slightly cheesed. But hey…with 120GBytes/mo,…
I feel these engines power down, I feel this heart begin to bleed (Redisindetermination)
Oh, hi Murphy, it’s me. Yeah, right you were…just rub it in why don’cha. Wall time: ~ 6 days. Execution time: ~ 3 hours… Woo, obsolescence. So I don’t know… maybe I totally misread the events of the last couple weeks (they seemed like reasonable enough open-loop assumptions in the absence of any information to…
Found this in my snail today…
Credit cards. And ads for a jillion more credit cards. My hand’s getting tired from writing DECEASED on all these things and tossing them back in the mail. What’s going on, did I miss a payment, and these vultures are hearing the carrion call of fees and interest charges, or is my credit history just…
It snowed that night, but walking home I don’t think I left any footprints in it. That little voice of Murphy is still screaming in my ear that this can’t be real; that at any moment I’m going to wake up in my cold little room, shielding my eyes against the light of a much…
Lan Party Potluck Pizza Thingie
This weekend, a crazy little potluck + LAN party at J.R.’s place with No*, (new guy) Z*, and a whole bunch of people whose names I can’t remember. We made just Entirely Too Much Pizza (and cookies….oh, the cookies), hung out just shooting the shit, playing DDR and Katamari…so much random other stuff, that we…
Yes, this is a real street.
J.R. saw this in/near Manhattan and took a picture. I was so skeptical I had to Mapquest it, but sure enough, She Shits Me Not. (was I a city planner in a past life?)
New year
I was here in Boston for Christmas, nothing too exciting there, but then headed home for New Years’ by way of NYC (to see VNV Nation live, what else?), where J.R. was spending the break. Up bright and early (yeah yeah, shaddap) to catch the Chinatown-to-Chinatown wormhole bus, then we spent the entire day prowling…
Irresolvably Indeterminate
*Click click grind grind click* Coffee, and Hackers (“a 28 b.p.s. modem!”), and that fine little line between awake and asleep, and a confused little me, feeling a lot more warm and content inside than is normal… but also unsure whether that means anything. QOTD: “Ah, the ol’ cheek deflection. That’s like being walked to…
Hot & Cold & Hot & …
Dicks on…. *grind grind page seek seek* image of a row of penises dancing and singing under RYB stage lighting Broadway, yeah, that was it… QOTD: A stranger here reborn it seems Waking wonders deep in me If nothing’s ventured, nothing’s gained So I must sieze the day… VNV Nation / Standing (Seeing these guys…
Find stuff…
- Das Blinkenlichten – wearable lighting
- Goldmine Electronics LCD pinout (mini-teardown)
- Mosquino: an Arduino-based energy harvesting development board
- Pick and Place Project
blinkenlichten broken brokenbydesign circuit bending cnc codebending comcast corporates crashes dell error evil foodz freezes gadget garden glitch music groan hangs humor idiocy led lirc machine meme NES norrisolide pickplace precision python recipe reprap rgb salesdouche serial stupidity sucks t3400 teardown ticket timtearsitapart usb webcam windows xp