• Positive correlations; Things Coming Up and These Topics Two

    Yeah yeah…I told myself, and the world by extension, when I started this thing that “I’m not doing that private entry crap.” But anyway, here is me doing that private entry crap. At least until I know whether I’m just correlating noise, seeing patterns where none exist, or being too right for my own good.

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  • As seen on my chest: No, I Will Not Fix Your Computer.

    [21:29] ********: so i have a computer question for u [21:30] Me: what? [21:30] ********: i dropped it [21:30] ********: and now it makes a wierd noise [21:30] Me: understandable [21:30] Me: kinda like a baby

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  • Optical Sto(rage)

    Zzt…zzt…zzzzz… That now makes three of them. Three consecutive DVD-RW drives to die within a week of installation (Samsung, Samsung, Memorex). None has burned more than 2 valid discs before failing. I’m a little pissed, because this means the arduous trek back to Best Buy and hassle to return this one, and finding whether the…

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  • pop, pop, pop, like x86 popcorn

    Project Stack: Last night I got the LCD working, with essentially zero memory requirements (okay, 80 colums * 25-ish lines = 2000 bytes…even a PIC has that much) …whee, realtime character generator in software. Stick-On-Fridge Server Monitor, here we go :-) Also mostly-built the ghetto-blastification boxsubwoofer enclosure I mentioned in…well, the early days of this…

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  • Ouching^999, self-defenestration, and things not to say to a nurse

    I went down about 11-something tonight to pick up a friend from the emergency room. Anyway, it turns out that if you’re a patient, and say something about being in so much pain you wanna jump out the window, even if you don’t mean it, you’re not leaving anytime soon. Out at 4-ish with a…

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  • Dude, Joe, you are needing therapy.

    Session Start (AIM – Me:TheAssWhosBeenHarassingMeForThreeYears): Wed Apr 27 23:12:58 2005 [23:12] TAWBHMFTY: u fucking cock [23:13] TAWBHMFTY: i should beat ur ass [23:13] Me: who the fuck might this be? [23:13] *** Me wants to directly connect. [23:13] *** TAWBHMFTY declines request; no connection was made. [23:14] TAWBHMFTY: u can call me Murderous-Maximus [23:14] Me:…

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  • TTCI, pt2

    (There was somethin’ in the city that he said he couldn’t breathe And there was somethin’ in the country that he said he couldn’t leave) As laid-back and beautiful as it was, it also seemed kind of.. too small, dead-end and going nowhere fast. I don’t know why I’m thinking in the context of Places…

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  • The air in the lab was filled with stars and spirals and crudely-drawn ringed planets and exclamation points.

    I’m in the cheapest motel in Pueblo, sprawled out lazily on a bed enjoying some free wireless and pounding out some perl scripts to analyze and reduce some gigs’ worth data I don’t have yet, with some random sporting event on the TV in the background and my roommate sawing steel logs on the other…

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  • A surreal day…

    Today in the life of Tim: At work, my PM guy abruptly resigned, making me a project manager as of 4:45pm today. Yeeks. I’m going to be managing people, handing out Things To Do and specifications and timelines, and be the guy chewing peoples’ asses when it doesn’t get done. Me + responsibility = a…

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  • BBQ’ing and business ventures

    Ran on (okay, walked) over to G*’s house tonight, to cook a little food and run some trains. And talk the usual, semi-BS talk of side business and company-starting that seems to have been going around lately. Like geek-grade hardware that’s fun to play with, fun to design and fun to build. Things that people…

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  • I wanted to see if anyone would notice.

    Last Saturday (see previous entry) I was shaving and thought, “You know… I think today I’m only going to do half… yeah.” Why? No reason in particular (cause there are no reasons). Anyway, I decided to just keep doing it for a while. It was Tuesday before anybody said anything. (Shaved it off again Thursday…

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  • (And this is just a punk rock song, written for the people who can see something’s wrong)

    An adventure today. Up bright and early (ahem, relative to nightfall, you know me) to start the day off with a little food porn homebrew sushi. Mmmm, more salmon than I can shake a fishin’ stick at. After that, we rounded up the rest of the posse, picking up a couple more people on the…

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  • And if life is just a highway, then the soul is just a car. And objects in the rearview mirror may appear closer than they are.

    I had an interesting AIM conversation out of the clear grayblue sky last night, with a giving me shit going on three years now…dude, obsess much? friend of an ex-girlfriend of several years ago, posing as a woman to invite me to Oak Lawn, IL for wild sex. (I think it can be safely concluded…

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  • Your house won’t become sentient for at *least* two more years

    I was the only person at my place of employment who had heard of Pi day. The WSJ had an article on it, but that doesn’t count. Dreamed last night of pulling up to a house somewhere in a borrowed Corvette and finding I had a very flat tire. Wierd, yes? Maybe not for me,…

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  • Whispers from dark eyes, she takes the poison

    Shit chefs, stirring vigorously, and drama drama drama (S* v. N*, with the help of ???.) An ex from long ago popped up today on AIM, and I finally found out what I knew all along. (That modelling a relationship as a linear control system isn’t as stupidstupid as it sounds, and that even this…

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  • I felt like destroying something beautiful.

    It was a well-choreographed Vaudeville routine, a thing of precision and wonder, dancing into itself like egg beaters. Every instruction timed with care and precision, every clock cycle accounted for, unstoppable, untouchable, pure clean hand-optimized asm. But that was before it went from being a 1-channel device to an 8-channel device. That’s when I discovered…

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  • He doesn’t care if it rains or freezes (or breaks a guitar into 1000 pieces)

    Saw this while walking to work not long ago and found it incongruous/interesting, so I took a picture. A picture sitting in my computer is a little pointless, so now it’s in my bloggg…

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  • Yummy

    Ok, more food-related entries. J.R. called me out today for some Everything Marsala. (Dear augmented memory: Marsala sauce is the cool brown stuff that takes several hours to make when done properly, requiring multiple reductions and straining things and adding things and re-reduction. And if a hundred years’ worth of French chefs haven’t found any…

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  • Udon

    I and a bunch of people descended upon No*’s house, and she made udon. This is surprisingly simple, surprisingly good stuff – noodles, broth, and seaweed. Afterward, we all went out for coffee and chatted at Diesel amid the Powerbook-wielding goatees (or is that goatee-wielding powerbooks?). There was some mention of ‘sentient genitals’ (heh, Ba*).…

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  • I-P, U-P, we all (DHC)P for an IP…

    All right, after a site devoted to telling you your IP address sold out to the unnamed highest bidder, I figured I’d replace it… because it’s 1 line of php code, and because I can. And because anyone trying to tell the address to their friends will get wierd looks. All right kids, have at…

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