• tDocu

    Well, today my BRAKE boards finally came in. No Zoran COACH chips, and no footprints carefully sawed off of them (in the world where I’m NOT a Viking), but I didn’t even have them all the way out of their little Fedex box when I noticed the first fuckup. All my text on the top…

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  • Wierd, dreaming

    I don’t write about dreams much, because I don’t have them very much. Or at least don’t remember them very much. And way too often, I probably shouldn’t share them with the public anyway. But anyway, here’s what I remember of the one from last* night…it was wierd, because there was actual dialog in it,…

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  • Chicago roadtrip

    Wow…I think this is the longest time interval between doing stuff and writing about it, ever… anyway, as always, datestamp refers to the date stuff happened, not the date I wrote about it. In the beginning… J.R. came along for the ‘there’ trip, and kept me from falling asleep at the wheel with loud music…

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  • for(seconds($$1 in $1))

    Heh…I can hardly even concentrate on work right now, thinking about going *sproing* out of here at 5:00:00’00” for the roadtrip to Chicagoland. With car stereo hacked for iPod/iRiver/Nomad input (Pioneer…add-on market protection by “funny plug” method) and the TrashAmp finally finished (ok…functional, but not pretty) at about 3am today, turning my trunk into an…

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  • A place to hang my towel. Following me around like a Hitchhiker, won’t be beat into submission, and won’t stay gone for more than a couple minutes

    It must be the heat. Probably something to do with the expansion of blood vessels, or stuff like that. What manner of fucked up am I? Here I am blogging about spurious hard-ons* , one after another after another, and about cranking it. (A fair number of people I know won’t admit to it, let…

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  • Sometimes I feel like if only I knew more, knew just the right sequence of words, I could make it all better. I wish I could believe that.

    Someone has hurt you, and the only way I can make you feel better is to try to get to the bottom of the matter with that person. Standing in the way of resolution is this question, and I have to answer it. This question has a finite number of answers. There is no possible…

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  • Crap, I forgot about that.

    (But if I’m not directly observing / being observed by them, Chicago-people cease to exist. Right?) … [22:31] Me: um….I’m hoping people have gotten to that stage in their lives where they realize it’s OK to have female friends that you aren’t banging [22:32] F*: yeah, but you know how ppl are [22:33] Me: yeah…

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  • Wow, this thing’s pretty good.

    But what’s this transhumanism stuff about? (Meh, I won’t build myself any cyborgans for at least a couple years. (Dangermouse? Maybe it means terrormouse.) Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in1. transhumanism score: 52. free software score: 53.…

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  • Can’t sleep….clown will eat me….

    So I’m hacking on some stuff….actually re-hacking someone else’s much more elegant stuff into a form my archaic copy of Borland CPPB4 will tolerate. “‘FILE’ cannot start a parameter declaration” … hmm… it can in MSVC, apparently. I made the mistake of drinking a 20oz mtn dew at about midnight…there seems to be a strong…

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  • More random quotes!

    Either stumbled across, or from people I know…ya, I have this bad habit of saving them :-) “Heh well, technically the picture is always upside down since the light hits your eye, which inverts what is actually there. Its a cool aspect of evolution that has allowed us to align our perspective of the world…

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  • VNV in Boston

    These guys kick ass, what more needs to be said? All right, quotes from the last couple days…yaya, I’m a week late writing this anyway… “How about, we’ll find someplace shady and stop there, and you can put on sunscreen.” – me *laughter* – No* “I meant, a place not in direct sunlight…” – me…

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  • Bitchslap!

    Now that’s what I like to see. As reported by BusinessWeek, WSJ and a few other places, the malware vendor Hotbar has been sued by Symantec, apparently in response to receiving a nastygram from Hotbar’s lawyers demanding Symantec stop detecting their malware as… well, malware. Unfortunately this is a common theme in malware research (rather…

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  • Chicago (waiting (failstating (masturbating in the grating (there was fuck-all else to do))))

    One of the primary objectives in making a random trip back to my hometown was to get laid (lets just say I have a very satisfied customer in the area, and a friend who seems to want to become one), but that didn’t happen. Actually, a lot of the time was spent bumming rides (my…

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  • Livepress test

    test! test! *tap tap*…is this thing on? Cexxy blog and LJ. Where one rolls the other follows…

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  • Tag, you’re IT!

    All right, I guess while I’m sitting here documenting things, I’ll tell you about my day (I know, I don’t really blog entries of the type “I got up, went to work, did a bunch of stuff, and then went to bed, and today was basically just like the 300-odd weekdays that came before it”).…

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  • I have looked in the mirror, and I am not sc4r3d

    (To know things, beautiful, terrible things. Like a john to a desperate hooker with kids to feed, the things a handful of errant molecules can force us to think and do.) This is mostly here for my own personal documentation, not really to convey any information to the outside world. Sorry. Anyway, there were a…

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  • A plan, a LAN, a pizza in a pan

    Went to JR’s place Saturday for a geeky get together. Met some new interesting people (anyone who does Duct Tape art can’t be bad), and got in touch with some I haven’t seen recently. We made pizza from scratch, which turned out to be Damn Good, and way earlier on, an attempt at the world…

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  • All right, this shit has got to stop.

    Since January, I’ve been saving up all the credit card offers I get in a little pile on my dresser. Now it’s not a little pile anymore. That’s a big pile. Throwing them away doesn’t seem to do anything, nor does faking my own death. Now these bastards are getting sneaky. Here’s one posing as…

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  • What the hell?

    Poking around webstats like I do sometimes, I came across some dude on a site called WogLife, posting a picture of me as his self-portrait. Ya know, ‘cuz I’m a raging stud muffin and all. I’m not a wog! I think. What’s a wog?

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  • Correlator broken

    That sounds like a bad thing, but it’s a good thing.

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