Standing still <--> still standing
And fighting time so hard I pray that this moment last forever. And will the world stay standing still, at least for me. It isn’t common that your thoughts can be summed up by song lyrics written long before them. But today in a seemingly perfect moment, feeling better than I have in a very…
Yesterday, “goth nite” at its temporary club, preceded by dinner at the Pu Pu Hot Pot (beating Rockford, IL’s own (former?) “Lung Fung’s” [for those who don’t see things like that, that’s one character away from Lung Fungus {google concurs}] for Most Badly Named Chinese Restaurant, but the food was okay). Since I don’t exactly…
More stuff from today…
Posting over neighbor’s unsecured wireless because our Internet access was cancelled…but moron that later. Speaking of the radio: Wow, you can say the n-word on the radio? I never knew that. Whatever on-air personality my officemate listens to said it about 5 times in a row this morning in the course of the usual morning-zoo…
“We’re there when you need us…call 1-800-EAT-WORMS; That’s 1-800-EAT-WORMS.”
Am I going deaf? Or are radio adverts getting less distinct? I don’t really listen to it much, but our new intern at work always has a radio on in our office. (“Keep the country goin’, government farms…”) Maybe it’s one of those things where, once you hear something wrong once (due to low volume,…
Observables (0xc0ffee)
Skunk spray smells deep blue; black and blue. And smooth, not like B.O. with its prickly peaks of fiery yellow and orange, giving themselves over to more earthy tones of yellow-gray and then brownish as they disappear into the vanishing point of a hard-to-describe, non-spatial dimension…this image is that of every less-than-inspired physics textbook’s text-and-figure…
LJ(-only) memespread
(Sorry, doesn’t work off LJ… try
Who do these guys think they are? My reply:
To whom would I be billing this time? > > > Dear Tim *******: Exhibit Surveys, Inc., an independent research firm, has been commissioned by the show organizer to certify the number of attendees to NEPCON/Assembly East 2005. Your response is extremely important for the accuracy of this project. Our records indicate that you registered…
Noise gain
I’m kind of used to noise. Right now I’m even working up to my elbows in it as part of a hobby project…if you know the form that noise is likely to take in a specific circumstance, you can disregard it. He who hesitates…. I’ve made that mistake before. Heh…I’d like to say my feet…
Parasites that perform chemical ‘mind control’ .. (See, I’m not just paranoid ;-)
New Scientist article: Parasites brainwash grasshoppers into death dive. There is also a video link in this article, but the dialogue is in French. More detailed: Do hairworms (Nematomorpha) manipulate the water seeking behaviour of their terrestrial hosts? (Anyone able to find more info about these behavior-altering ‘enslaver’ fungi? Even Google’s drawing a blank…)
Martial law?
I haven’t seen much mention of this aspect of the hurricane Katrina rescue efforts in the US media… http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4205074.stm Thanks KRISTOFF for the heads-up.
Xbox mystery solved….
The Xbox I randomly received in the mail yesterday? Credit fraud. Let’s call the fraudster “Grim Reaper” after his l33t Yahoo email account, conveniently supplied in the account he created in my name at a popular electronics store. Dear Mr. Reaper: You are quite possibly the world’s dumbest criminal. When you buy goods with a…
Xbox mystery…
I got home today to find a mystery Xbox waiting for me. No info on who placed the order, no “You’ve won!” or anything else, just a packing slip. “From:” a Best Buy distribution center in Ohio. Not really practical, since I don’t really find time to play video games, and don’t have a TV…
Wheel[s] Work[.s] (the old ones didn’t)
Putting a new bicycle through its paces with my bike dr. / consultant :-) QOTD: “You look, like, fifty years old!” -L*, commenting on facial fur growth Arc*: Go on, ask me how many badges I’ve made. me: they can have my dot matrix when they pry it from my cold dead hands me:
Altera training
This is mostly just here for datestamp, since about 0 people I know are interested in this sort of thing :-) Was at a set of training courses yesterday and today…paid time off work, learning stuff, and free food. And now I know (indeed, even more than I wanted to) about the architecture of Cyclone…
CVS Pharmacy $29 camcorders hacked
Yes, indeedy. Get thee to CVS Pharmacy, find the rack of PureDigital “one-time use” camcorders, and let the kite-cams, model-rocket-cams, rough-n-tumble helmet cams, and the hordes of poorly-composed ameteur porn movies begin! Er… I mean, scroll down to the bottom section of these forums to read the FAQ (how to attach a USB cable, or…
I’m a color most men can’t even see
(Memesteal from mephistakitten. Real entries coming soon, I promise! Big nasty BRAKE work-project finished up tonight, so my calendar is finally starting to look slacker-riffic for a little while. (we hope…) ) you are paleturquoise#AFEEEE Your dominant hues are green and blue. You’re smart and you know it, and want to use your power to…
…does this count as humor, or not?
One of the guys on the camerahacking.com forum pointed this out: Google’s top result for the search query "failure"
Attack of the evil puffballs…?
Really! I don’t dream this much. Maybe it has to do with my messed-up (lack of) sleep schedule lately. Anyway… The part I remember was of entering an ordinary living room (no living room I recognized) containing, among various other usual living-room furniture, an old B/W console TV set with the big clicky channel-changer knobs…
I vow never to fly Northwest Airlines again.
All right, I’m doing this evil out-of-order blogging thing because I’ve been too busy to actually write stuff here (starting with Chicago trip of um…several weeks ago, still not mentioned), but right now I’m pissed off and need to vent my spleen. I don’t get pissed off very often. NORTHWEST AIRLINES … are a bunch…
Videogames from vending machines…I see a business model here
Wierd, a dream that could, possibly, have been in linear time! Anyway, it starts out that myself and someone are walking down a downtown city street somewhere that is defined to be NYC (how do I know this? I don’t know…there aren’t any where-am-I cues around), and see a video game store. The window signage…
Find stuff…
- Das Blinkenlichten – wearable lighting
- Goldmine Electronics LCD pinout (mini-teardown)
- Mosquino: an Arduino-based energy harvesting development board
- Pick and Place Project
blinkenlichten broken brokenbydesign circuit bending cnc codebending comcast corporates crashes dell error evil foodz freezes gadget garden glitch music groan hangs humor idiocy led lirc machine meme NES norrisolide pickplace precision python recipe reprap rgb salesdouche serial stupidity sucks t3400 teardown ticket timtearsitapart usb webcam windows xp