Sushi party at J.R.’s place. Nobody else showed up, so more fish for me! (woot) But before that, saw her awesome lab, learned (part of) how to do a Southern blot, /* Crayola flourescent crayon exposes photographic film … so do porcelain teeth */ and left obscene magnetic poetry on someone’s fridge. (|alcohol|then|sex|with|the|experiment|…) Through Sat/Sun…
Girl power…?
Kind of like an honorary degree, except not, I’ve been told that I’m an honorary girl. I spent the long holiday weekend, among other things, learning how to braid hair. You know, like that stuff that grows on your head when you aren’t looking. Why? Because it was something to do with friends, whose company…
Party, my house? Surely you jest.
mistile, v. – To tile incorrectly or erroneously, such as when laying flooring or Scrabble pieces. I used it, now it’s a word for sure :) Scrabble & Pictionary / etc. party at my place. I didn’t know my house could hold that many people without collapsing on itself.
Damn, it feels good to be an IT-person. (…not!)
All right, I guess I’ve been doing way too much …introspecting?… and way not enough documentation in here lately. So anyway – what kept me occupied Wed night: (besides discovery of Frozen Bubble on GJM’s computer) Intellispace, the company that has handled the ‘net connection to my work for as long as I’ve been there,…
didn’t see it, but I saw you see it
Hmm…kinda of grinding on a lot of internal stuff lately. Kind of trying to distract myself away from that with projects. My dominating emotional state tends to lag reality by a few days. I’m kind of wierd that way. Maybe this is a graceful degradation strategy at some subconscious level, integration time, averaging, noise filtering…smoothing…
Project Asshat*
Between the open heart and the whisper goodbye, there’s a perfect teardrop in your eye. Between the lover’s moon and the trembling sky, there’s a broken dream in your mind. Wow. When this particular state began to collapse (or already did, but that info hadn’t propagated to there yet) I was mentally composing…well, a patch…
More mind-bending parasites
I didn’t actually go out looking for this, honest!, it just kinda found me via my Web host‘s absurdly (but fun!) random newsletter. Kind of a followup to a previous entry, here are some more, courtesy DamnInteresting.com: Body-Snatching Barnacles and Zombie Crabs Mind-Controlling Wasps and Zombie Spiders QOTD: “She even named one of the team’s…
You can’t make stuff like this up
From an actual electronics surplus catalog (AllElectronics) :
The poison is words. A compression wave, molecules striking molecules striking molecules under the controlled direction of man; or a swath of photons in a premeditated pattern, hardset in the physical properties of angles and pigments, or ephemeral, switched into these patterns and in their respective directions by a Rube Goldberg circle-jerk of bioelectrical pulses…
I didn’t sleep more than an hour last night. It didn’t make sense, I stayed up late the night before, stayed up late this night too, went to bed dog-tired. It felt like something was wrong; at least a little off. And the more I buried my head in the pillow, the more I shifted…
Karma police, arrest this man, he talks in maths. He buzzes like a fridge, he’s like a detuned radio.
They struck again. I came out of work today to find the familiar orange-and-black VIOLATION notices folded and stuffed under windshield wiper after windshield wiper, all up and down the street. But wait a minute… upon closer inspection, these were not parking tickets at all, but blood-pressure-raising advertisements for Workout World, the gym beneath my…
Math movies?
Talking with someone not long ago about organizing a math-related-movie marathon, it was concluded that there kind of aren’t a lot of them. Pi, A Beautiful Mind, and (maybe? stretching it a bit) Good Will Hunting, but that’s about all I can think of. Can anyone add to this list? LJ people – ask your…
An observation
My car mysteriously died while I was on vacation this August; when I got back and started it for the first time, it ran for about a second, died and would not restart. (Yaya…it has spark, battery’s good, fuel pump working… could be a dirt-napping timing belt.) Anyway, I’ve been meaning to get that fixed,…
The sun was up.
That whole nightish thing…it seems like I only really write in this thing late at night, and there’s usually some kind of catalyst involved. In the middle of the average weekday doing all that usual daily-grind stuff, there’s really nothing much to say. As for right now… Documentation or braindump? Hard to decide… I can’t…
Quantum Toilet Seat
Recently, some issues regarding bathroom tidiness have come up among the work crew. Besides the obvious issue, the fact that the little silver handle on the front of the tank is *not* intended to be solely decorative, another has come up – where the toilet seat should ideally be when not in use. We will…
More UIs should have one…
“Live Long and Prosper” button! From the Analog Devices’ SwitcherCadIII filter-design software I downloaded today. (for some stupid reason, they call it a ‘move’ button.)
Out comes LART
Grr, I think something’s a-brewing. Since this Monday I’m getting deluged by an exponentially-rising number of blog comment spam attempts…before Monday I was averaging ~ 6 comment spams over the lifetime of the blog, or about 2 years, which is pretty good. But now… Spam spam spammity spam Holy rock salt Batman, that’s a lot…
Doublethinking:: “Aww, that’s too bad…” and “Yesss! Yesss!”. I kind of feel like a bastard. But sometimes being a bastard kind of feels good. QOTD (yesterday) : “Before Bush, they just stayed in their little holes and went “God God God God God God…”…and nobody cared. Now they’re coming out of their little holes…” -JR
Oh fine…everyone else is doing it!
LJ Interests meme results boston:Err…I live here. I lived in Chicago until a little less than 2 years ago (wow…has it really been that long?), where I was a fresh college grad with nothing better to do than unsuccessfully job-hunt and read/post Slashdot, which ended up landing me the interview with my current company in…
Timezone offset fixed…
…maybe? (Time on my watch is 10:45am..) WordPress is a little broken.
Find stuff…
- Das Blinkenlichten – wearable lighting
- Goldmine Electronics LCD pinout (mini-teardown)
- Mosquino: an Arduino-based energy harvesting development board
- Pick and Place Project
blinkenlichten broken brokenbydesign circuit bending cnc codebending comcast corporates crashes dell error evil foodz freezes gadget garden glitch music groan hangs humor idiocy led lirc machine meme NES norrisolide pickplace precision python recipe reprap rgb salesdouche serial stupidity sucks t3400 teardown ticket timtearsitapart usb webcam windows xp