Throw a rock
into a pond and the ripples you produce will carry all the way to the edge, regardless of its size. Some of the energy will dissipate into the distant shore, given away as heat and sound from a collision that is never perfectly inelastic, but what’s left of that ripple will reflect, interacting with itself,…
This week
monday: Out of the blue “WTF?!” condition…not documenting publicly since it involves a good friend and some possibly private stuff. tuesday: “Need a valve actuator PID controller with 100ms settling time* for this project you’ve never heard of before, even though we’ve been working on it for $bignum time now, and have known we needed…
Category: Things I could have believed more wholeheartedly last week
“Don’t sweat the small stuff. More than that – don’t even sweat the big stuff. Because life can only kill you once, and the fact that you’re still around to sweat stuff means it missed. So nyarrr.” -me “There is nothing more satisfying than having someone take a shot at you, and miss.” -Murphy
Rain fade
Spending way too long this evening twiddling around with NetStumbler and my wifi antenna trying to (re-)pick up a signal from a neighbor’s house, maybe because it rained this evening, or maybe because the people who actually own those signals are walking around in their houses and inadvertently interfering with them, or…wait, it’s because our…
Addendum to previous entry (more like a kick in the piel..)
I’m “with wheels” for two whole days and already having to do the Please Don’t Tow Me Shuffle. I just returned from leaving my car at work because tomorrow my area (or all of Medford?) is having a pop street sweeping; the notices appeared, as far as I know, sometime today. I first saw them…
Piele and wiele, reunited at last
Woo, I have my car back. Note to self: Never get it fixed at the dealer again. Unless they’re making starters out of solid gold now, I just got a screwin’. What I’m thinking now…. Home Depot run! My shopping list is as follows: Large metal pins + cotter pins + plastic rolly apparatus (don’t…
Pictures of p1r8ed plants…
Everyone does one of these totally annoying posts where they post some meaningless triviata of their life with (poorly-composed, blurry,) huge pictures that take forever to render. So…. The plants in my room / office, and where they came from :-) With very few exceptions, all of these are pirated from somewhere. I don’t know…
It’s been said…
“A woman commits to a man hoping that he will change. A man commits to a woman hoping that she won’t.” If only it actually worked that way. QOTD: [11:11] K*: We talked on the phone and everything was going great, [11:11] K*: Then I told her about my work, and she said sure [11:12]…
There’s no swimming in the heavy water, no singing in the acid rain… red alert, red alert
I think I figured out why I don’t drink the water at work much. It doesn’t taste like water. Actually, it doesn’t taste like anything. It’s diet water, if there is such a thing. Regular old municipal water, but run through a crazy reverse osmosis, oxygenating, ozonating contraption that brings the dissolved solids down to…
Stuff… Apples, squirrels, ponies…
Saudi Arabian blog burning for bits ‘n giggles I should have been sleeping, and was probably intending to bloggg something or other Friday night, but ended up staying up way too late becoming an expert on XMLRPC vulnerabilities instead. Damn script kiddies. Sadly, every one of us who doesn’t devote his/her life to rolling their…
Halloween pics @ work
Will document the weekend once I’m actually home, because that might take a little while. In the meantime… I still recall the taste of your tears… Me with the Osbournes Group photo of all my work-people All the pictures These (of all the work people) will only be online for a few days, so look…
I got back from finally hauling my car someplace to get it worked on, and I saw (besides my breath) a couple isolated flakes of dandruff in the air. Except I don’t have dandruff (…checks again…) no, definitely not. Crap, it’s snowing.
Spinlock in a DJ booth
For the most part, I don’t mind people playing the radio* in my office, it breaks the silence that could otherwise get kind of annoying. It’s a sort of “war room” layout, myself and two mechies in a big room bouncing ideas off each other**. But if I have to hear about this Hot Chick…
I was just thinking it would be good to be able to load voice recognition software onto a cellphone so that to text message, instead of punching a million slow buttons to create a message you could just *say* the message and it would convert it to a text for you…and then realized how silly…
XboX story, still not over!… (Bank error in your favor)
I got my latest credit card statement the other day, and on it was a credit in the amount of $159 or so from bestbuy.com. (Background on the Xbox saga.) The credit card company had already negated the charge when I discovered it, because it was fraudulent, but apparently when I brought the (attempted-stolen-by-world’s-dumbest-criminal) goods…
Radio blackout // meh.. sleep is for people who don’t have to figure anything out.
I don’t know why when I don’t know what’s going on, the details of a situation, I always assume the worst. Sometimes I’m right. Sometimes I’m just being paranoid. Never can tell which is which though; they feel the same at the time.
Nor’easter // Grey is light gray…gray is darker
and GRAY isn’t any darker, just more intense. Like if you cut it apart, it would collapse back together quickly; pressurized fog. A few days ago I wrote about a generically crappy day, weather-wise. Today was more of a catastrophically crappy weather-day. It’s wierd though, I like storms. I’ve heard myself complain my first year…
Sunday morning I’m still hiding in bed. Listening to the rhythm of the rain above my head
All day today it was crappy out – not the good, interesting, thunder-and-lightning crappy that it was around 3am, but the kind of bland, anonymous crappy of not cold enough to be statistically significant and not dark and gray enough to be interesting. I spent it kind of recovering from a Halloween party last night,…
I’ve spent most of this fine day cursing software. Literally. Damning it to the bowels from whence it came, and its Creators, and the jackasses they rode in on. On a DSP development board’s associated toolchain, I’ve even been writing myself (yes, documentation….theoretically, for the next poor sap that has to program this thing, but…
Find stuff…
- Das Blinkenlichten – wearable lighting
- Goldmine Electronics LCD pinout (mini-teardown)
- Mosquino: an Arduino-based energy harvesting development board
- Pick and Place Project
blinkenlichten broken brokenbydesign circuit bending cnc codebending comcast corporates crashes dell error evil foodz freezes gadget garden glitch music groan hangs humor idiocy led lirc machine meme NES norrisolide pickplace precision python recipe reprap rgb salesdouche serial stupidity sucks t3400 teardown ticket timtearsitapart usb webcam windows xp