Xbox mystery…



I got home today to find a mystery Xbox waiting for me. No info on who placed the order, no “You’ve won!” or anything else, just a packing slip. “From:” a Best Buy distribution center in Ohio.

Not really practical, since I don’t really find time to play video games, and don’t have a TV modern enough to attach one to. No idea who would have gotten it in their head that I wanted one, but I do have a birthday coming up.

Ruled out so far: My folks / brother (we were on vacation in the mountains when the order was placed, no cell reception, let alone computer access), JR, No*, and various relatives (like I would give those nut-jobs my home address? Riiiight). About the only scenario left with any plausibility is that GJM got the urge to hack one, and had it delivered here so that the Game Warden wife wouldn’t find out. Either that or I’ve got some kind of secret admirer… (yeah, right :-) But if so, I don’t even want to know – it would have to be either someone I know in real life [scary], or someone who really likes / “knows me” through my web site / hardware hacking / spyware busting / FSO / etc. activities, like the retired Air Force pilot a couple years ago who kept calling my house to report that the Government was spying on them via a Netscape CD bought off-the-shelf at a software store…) In any event, if there’s anyone out there who would have to ply a potential suitee with an Xbox to score a date, I think this person might be very, very scary…






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