CVS Pharmacy $29 camcorders hacked



Yes, indeedy. Get thee to CVS Pharmacy, find the rack of PureDigital “one-time use” camcorders, and let the kite-cams, model-rocket-cams, rough-n-tumble helmet cams, and the hordes of poorly-composed ameteur porn movies begin!

Er… I mean, scroll down to the bottom section of these forums to read the FAQ (how to attach a USB cable, or substitute a Palm cable) and download the Windows video-downloading tool, called Ops.

In what’s becoming a sort of wierd tradition among the cam hacking folk, I present my shaky footage of the dragon which guards my desk at work.

<nerdstuff> To keep this hardware safe from the likes of us, its manufacturer implemented a challenge/response system in which the host must request a 128-byte challenge key from the cam, then respond with the correct 128-byte unlock key. However, due to a bug in the firmware that “almost could not, possibly, have been an accident”, after reading out the 128 bytes of the challenge, if you just keep on reading it will send you the corresponding unlock key, which is stored directly after the challenge key in memory. Now that this has been published a few places, they’ll probably fix this little bug soon, so get ’em while they’re hot and easily unlocked.</nerdstuff>

Oh, and forget Slashdot, you heard it here first :-)

One more project off The List for now….maybe I’ll start writing real entries in here again now.






3 responses to “CVS Pharmacy $29 camcorders hacked”

  1. Stephen Avatar


    with all of the new CVS stuff using libusb 1.10.1, can you port a version of the sucr program for this new version of libusb? Otherwise, the old ritz cam becomes unusable if one wants to use the CVS videocam.


  2. OldProfessorBear Avatar

    Please contact me. Thanks.

  3. OldProfessorBear Avatar

    e me please?

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