Well, I got a friendly letter from this dot.bomb today care of the Web site I administer, Something to the effect of “we’re ready to IPO and need to sanitize our image a bit, so takedown your site’s factual but negative information about our company, or we sue” (okay, I read between the lines a little bit). Well, I don’t take kindly to this sort of thing, but, taking the matter seriously and being the entirely-too-nice guy that I am, I drafted a response of 4,610 words where three would suffice (I think you know which three). Oddly enough, it seems the likely postcondition of all this is that the contested document will contain all the same information it did before, only more of it, and with lawyer-resistant supporting materials (you could say, evidence?) to back all its claims. And of course, the full text of the original complaint and response, and links to some other ones other sites have received. There’s a valuable lesson to be learned here, something along the lines of “how to piss people off, and regret it”…
QOTD: “In retrospect, lighting the match was my big mistake. But I was only trying to retrieve the gerbil…”
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