• Last week or so

    So, the last week or so as promised: Last weekend, had HAL from Indianer out here for a job interview at GJM’s (as of last week) ex-company, nothing definitive just yet, but everything sounds positive. We decided that when/if everything gets definitive, it would be cool to live together at the new place. We’re already…

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  • .clickBOOM

    Ah, ceiling, we meet again. Details of the last couple weeks to follow when I can find time to write them. In brief: Trigger pulled. It’s officially too late to back out now. WTF am I smoking. It sounds like HAL is, most likely, hired and moving out here. Quite possibly coming to live with…

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  • Beat

    Quick update: HAL, a friend and former college roommate from Back Home (or close), is going to be in Boston this weekend for a job interview on Friday. I’d like to drag him around the city a bit and introduce him to my friends. What are people doing this weekend? Looks like I have a…

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  • Micro-update

    Yeah, so I’m probably buying a house in a couple weeks. “I…wait, what?” Yeah, that’s what I said this morning too. Anyway, as some of you know, one of my best friends in Boston, GJM, is pulling up anchor less than 2 weeks from now, moving to Tejas, and putting his place on the market.…

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  • Das Blinkenlichten

    [Clicky here for big photo album] Heh, yeah, a little late writing this one. I was meaning to write this up…like, a couple months ago, right after the “public beta”, but didn’t get around to it. So some friends and I had tickets to the Boston leg of the VNV Nation Judgment tour, April 18.…

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  • Hey, hey, hey, I’m quilty / And you’re quilty too

    Yes, another toilet related, potty post :-P. Some time ago I mentioned my housemates and their toilet paper management strategies (or lack thereof). Today, I found out just how deep the rabbit hole goes! Sometime Sunday or so, I finished the (quilted) roll downstairs and, ever conscientious, went back upstairs to fetch a replacement, only…

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  • Wicked Smaht idea of the day – re: sucky office suites

    AutoCrossreference So I’m at the office writing up some BS in MS Word and I’ve just typed “(blah blah blah) as shown in Figure…”, because I’m about to refer to a figure. Now to make a crossreference. I select crossreference, the window pops up and defaults to “Table”. WTF? With a modern computer’s gigahertz of…

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  • Pissy

    I’ve been in a pissy mood for a while. I guess it just kind of happens from time to time, for reasons not entirely known. It’s that state of bored and aimless, non-productive, irritable and wanting to stay in bed avoiding people. Probably more of a random-emotional-state thing, but here are some specific things that…

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  • YflTczrDRsinGERKKFSbb6E

    Looks like I have a new project for next week, once this weeks messy proposals nastiness is out of the way. A staffer at a Russian ISP tipped me off to an old malware company learning a new trick, with essentially a distributed, keyboard-watching spy network turning your typos into gold in the form of…

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  • Toilettesitz nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumbkopfen

    Found this on ye olde slashdot today: The Social Norm of Leaving the Toilet Seat Down: A Game Theoretic Analysis Nothing I haven’t said before of course, but their version invokes game theory and your calculator. Now, I have some questions: 1) Does anyone actually make a big issue of toilet seat state (i.e. the…

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  • Notes on Windows 2000 Server Edition…

    Windows should not be used for servers. End of discussion. OSes which have a Registry should not be used for servers. OSes which can only be configured through a GUI should not be used for servers. Three guesses why I didn’t get jack done today, why the entire office has no website or email, and…

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  • Leadership in educashun

    Maybe their leadership was working too hard to go to school…

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  • MA’s haunted house law

    Digging for an alleged MA/Medford statute that forbids renting out rooms in a single-family dwelling, and (unrelatedly) more than three unrelated people from living together, I came across this one. Apparently if a house is believed to be haunted, you don’t have to tell potential tenants/buyers that unless they ask. /me breaks out his infrared…

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  • Cars with Stupid Smarts

    Note to self: Never buy a modern car unless you can disable all the “smarts” in a sneaky enough way as to not void the warranty. I’m sure the engineers who build in said “smarts” have the best of intentions, but it doesn’t do much good for confidence when a large, dangerous piece of machinery…

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  • And I thought couples in my tent sounded icky…

    Had JK from work follow me home yesterday to borrow my tent for this weekend. So we’re on the couch shooting the shit for a minute, when all of the sudden…yyyyeah, holy loud moaning housemate sex one room over Batman. I didn’t know my housemate’s girl was a moaner :-P I guess that’s (per Murphy’s…

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  • Bulk update & APG testing rant

    It’s been one of those weeks… seasons. There has been simultaneously so much, and so little, to report. Work is kind of the same old; it seems as though I’ve been spending record numbers of hours there, and yet, getting not a damned thing done. As for personal life, not much to report there either,…

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  • Trigger finger exercise

    Got out of the house half an hour “early” today to mail some Drmn’ toys (turned out to not actually get to work any earlier, due to sucky traffic and the fistfight that almost broke out in the endless post office line today*). A couple guys and I nipped out for an early lunch to…

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  • A peek inside the Trancevibe “factory”

    …mostly in photo album form. Click on the thumbnails for a larger image with description… Trance Vibe Assembly pics Not pictured: us Fluxing-off our actual panels, or screwing the depaneled boards into the finished product, or QA testing (with a pluggable test jig and motor…get yer minds out of the gutter). It turns out these…

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  • Protected: Darwin “Award” – dumb kid flips his bike, jury awards $41 mil

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

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  • “You’ll always need something to fix.”

    So I’ve been watching too much Lost lately. A lead character’s wife says this, as she leaves him for good. Beering with some friends last weekend, relationship and old-flame topics came up, and I kind of (re-)realized that I have yet to have a normal relationship with a normal girl, and be truly happy in…

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