• Done with people

    This feeling has been steadily building, but really reached boilover this weekend or so. I kind of don’t want to see or hear any other humans, at least for a while. Nothing personal; just being around people, friends etc. – too many, too frequently and for too long – causes them in general to become…

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  • PQI Sucks

    UPDATE 2007/10/12: PQI have now replaced the card with a brand new one which appears to be in perfect working condition. In an apologetic note, PQI’s warranty department mention that Eddie (the guy who handled my original RMA) “is not longer working with PQI.” So, the issue ranted on below is most likely a fluke…

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  • Code monkey get up get coffee; code monkey goto job

    > DE wrote: > Anyone interested in having a fantasy ice hockey league. No money > involved, just for fun. Does this involve quests and dragons? My wizard’s hockey stick has a +5 against Canadians… — T. R. Myself etc etc Disclaimer: When said Canadians are vendors, said stick also deals +4 pissed-off EE damage…

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  • Bulk update

    Lastlastlast week JR, Matt, HAL and I went rock climbing at MetroRock in Everett, kind of like a meta-birthday party. This was fun. I haven’t done any serious climbing since high school, and had to relearn all the knots, etc. Here at least they believed in actual fabricated harnesses; we didn’t have to go all…

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  • Secret Incantations for correctly configuring Ubuntu

    Yeah, I made that mistake the other day setting up a temporary machine to compile dslinux on. I guess it’s not all bad… just not at all what I expected from everyone else’s ranting and raving. Anyway, if you already have no idea what I’m talking about, it might be a good idea to skip…

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  • Out tue, wed, …?

    In Roanoke, VA for some __ohshitemergencylastminute testing / data gathering. You can guess how much I love this shit getting sprung on me at the last possible second, but away we go. Sounds like I’ll be getting a free pair of steel-toed boots out of this mess.

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  • Stuck in the middle with you (Friendcest Diaries pt2)

    “Let’s just mix them together indiscriminately and see which combinations do something interesting.” – my strategy for the old chemistry set I found in my grandma’s basement as a kid. (If there were dangerous combinations, they wouldn’t have put them in the same chemistry set, right? My grandpa talked me out of playing with the…

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  • The Friendcest Diaries

    You know the saying that when shit happens, it’s usually not content to happen in the absence of other shit? So um…yeah. Typically, my thought on friendcest is that it’s generally not a good idea for the inter-friend-group drama that it threatens to create, especially when it fails, and/or when two of the relators (e.g.…

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  • The morning-after-vacation pill

    And back home am I. The actual trip (complete with thousands of pictures of rocks :P) will be documented soonish. As previously mentioned during tonight’s game of telephone pictionary* at LE and crew’s house, I accomplished the following at work today: I wrote one line of code. And it was a #DEFINE. (Followed by a…

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  • On vacation

    Someplace way southwest from today-ish until the 13th or so.

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  • Berry nice

    A posse was rounded up this weekend for sort of a double date – raspberry and blueberry picking at a farm away-up-north. Without even getting ourselves too lost, we succeeded getting there in a timely manner, and left with at least ten pints of berries, a jug of cider, wine and a greasy (as it…

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  • 20070726

    Annnd, we have internet! And JR put up a wiki page for all that stuff that needs to be done at the place in the near term. People can make their own additions if they sign up an account (it looks like it will work even without giving up a valid email address, but you…

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  • Do not look into laser with remaining eye

    Hehe…From a Navy SBIR solicitation for an automatic sniper-warning system: This topic seeks technology that will provide a capability to detect a potential sniper at a distance. The technology needs to work autonomously, without having the user actively participate in the scan of the area. […] The most likely technology would be a laser or…

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  • 20070723 update

    We don’t have internet at the house yet, so brief from-the-office-jeff-aint-over-my-shoulder mini-update. I met Kr* (from that dating site) for the first time last weekend for coffee & then dinner… despite all my worst fears, she turned out to be cool and normal and not give off any creepy vibes. So this weekend we met…

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  • …and coming back

    So, I get into work Monday morning, dive immediately for the coffee machine to get a pot started, and get allllmost fully seated at my desk when one of the Mechies calls up with “Tim, you’re here! Um…can I come over?”. These are some of those words you just love to hear, like when a…

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  • 4th of July week

    Big photo album of last week with entirely too many frog pictures :P Got into Chicago at about 8-something at night, leaving just enough time to grab some pizza and then go out with my brother Dave and his gf to see the new (Live Free Or) DIE HARD movie. This one was all about…

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  • Landmark navigation

    Random thought of the day… for places like Boston, where street name signs are considered a luxury that should be cherished for their scarcity, Google Maps /etc. should perform an experiment wherein directions are given relative to landmarks instead of street names. E.g.: Turn right (90°) at the Shaw’s onto Walnut St. (0.4mi) Turn hard…

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  • yourtypicalbank

    So, apparently my bank has noticed that I’ve just transferred a huge hunk of money over to my checking account. Not a week later, I get this. Yeah, I think they know what’s happening. Looking up this “circle gold” business, among its main selling points are ‘preferred’ rates on loans, and various amenities concerning home…

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  • Yay Boston

    “right this way to Riverway”

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  • On fishing and catching

    So, I just had an awesome conversation with this girl I met on POF. Smart, cute, geeky, isn’t into tall and muscular guys, likes to cook, likes to fish, and…single, and seems actually interested in me :-P How is this possible? From Equation 1*, we know that someone such as this does not actually exist:…

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