• Fold or Scrunch?

    I’ve seen this on a few of those ridiculously-personal-info-to-share-with-the-whole-entire-intarweb memes. Supposedly, this question, referring to one’s post-toilet cleanup style, is supposed to expose some telling detail about one’s personality makeup. Like you really wanted to know…I fold, and proudly at that: I know the approximate per-ply breaking strength, absorption rate, etc., and consequently, how many…

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  • Dear User, Something Bad Happened

    I’ve figured out why the whole process of installing XP (sorry folks… the OS and its manufacturer are crap, but most of the good bread only works with their toasters) was such a nightmare. I gave a good hard think, and realized that of nearly a dozen error conditions that prevented this from occurring successfully,…

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  • 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

    Scenes a faire, or, the first digits of pi as expressed in various non-integer radices and rounded to the nearest integer. Any real or perceived resemblance to certain secret codes (yeah, yeah, generate your own damn volume key) are purely coincidental. 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56…

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  • Verified by VISA

    So while checking out at newegg.com with my dual-core bundle o’ joy, I got asked (or rather demanded) to sign up to “Verified by VISA” as a required part of the checkout process. So I grumbled, because it was another hoop to jump through between me and my new toy, and another damn password to…

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  • Yeah, any excuse to build a new machine…

    Today’s entry, involving cool things that blink at VNV concerts, will not be seen at this time, because all the pictures are on the computer that just bit the dust. Ok, the computer’s fine (or as well as it was for the last several years), but one of the drives took to making this loud…

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  • One step closer to my own robot army…

    Councillor Hamann: Have you ever been to the engineering level? I love to walk there at night, it’s quite amazing. Would you like to see it? Neo: Sure. Councillor Hamann: Almost no one comes down here, unless, of course, there’s a problem. That’s how it is with people – nobody cares how it works as…

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  • How does a pimp count?

    From the archives, when I was (more of) an OCD freak and taped every morning radio show to maintain my exhaustive song parody collection: “How does a pimp count? Ho, ho, ho! Which reminds me – merry Christmas, from Mancow’s moooorning madhouse! On Rock 103.5, Chicago.” I read an opinion piece in the WSJ today…

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  • Eureeka! // Coefficient of odiosity

    What’s the best way to say to a housemate who’s twice your size, “Dude, you’re a great guy and all, but you really need to wash your ass once in a while.” And any other parts that water needs to hit but doesn’t. I can tell if he’s merely passed through the hallway 15 minutes…

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  • Crap, do I have gutterbrain or something?

    I can’t be the only one who got the wrong idea when glancing across the slashdot headline: Hardware: Satellites Mating Via Robotic Arm “The launch of the Orbital Express mission, with its two satellites ASTRO and NextSat, the first one servicing the other, … I should, you know, sleep or whatever.

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  • Medford street sweeping today

    This is a datestamp entry. Backreference (Where all the Tufts students live, the day after a major holiday people typically spend back home with their families. Methinks somebody’s cousin in Mefud needed money to repaint his boat or something.) In the unlikely event that I live in Medford long enough, I’m going to generate a…

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  • RezVibe l’arnins, pt. 1

    Ok, so I now have a Dildonics tag for all the trancevibe stuff. It’s an exciting informative journey through the no-man’s land of small volume electronics production. I’m going forward with this project (and documenting it) mostly for my own personal edification. I’ve never developed and commercialized something before (unless you count my childhood four-leaf-clover…

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  • Ok, last rant on these for a while, I swear :P

    “This is Habib with Industrial Machinery Magazine(…)” “No thanks.” “It’s an entirely free subscription, which I’ll send out just as soon–” “We’re not interested, we get too many magazines.” “OK, can I just confirm your information–” “Not interested.” “It’ll only take a minute–” “Not interested.” “When should I call back?” “Er… call back? If you…

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  • More @#$% trade magazine peddlers

    It must be Horny Sales Douche mating season or something. Do you suppose if I write “BUY NOW” in loud colors on a bottle of saline and throw it out the window, they will leave me alone for a while? *ring ring* Me: (my name and company’s name) Peddler: “Hi my name’s so and so…

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  • Nintendo DS current consumption – hahd numbahs

    Background story So I was busy homebrewing on my NDS, even bought myself a DSerial board to use it as an ultraportable serial/debug console. I had a few ideas for the much faster, native parallel interface too, so when we were sending out boards at work, I threw my own “DParallel” onto the layout. The…

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  • Odds & ends

    fr33 mp3z d00dz Here’s a kickass site I found: Jamendo. Download and share mp3s, free & legal, without worrying about keeping the RIAA out of your cornhole. All albums released under a Creative Commons license. (And they’re actually pretty good!) Sync on Green, or something to that effect I’ve long been bothered by an unparseable…

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  • Ya, I was bored yesterday…

    So I took stuff apart. Here is some more on my cry for help unusual fascination with small display devices – a teardown of a cheap, undocumented LCD to figure out how to make it work, and document it for everyone else out there on teh internets who wants to use this display in some…

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  • Belated St. Paddy’s post

    Not much to say, but nothin’ says St. Patricks like a good old-fashioned piss-up. So I took a break last saturday night from reading about Paypal shopping cart integration APIs (you can’t set different shipping rates for Boston and Botswana? Gimme a friggin’ break!) to find out what some buds were doing. “Hey, we’re down…

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  • SpaceAliens and ponies

    Not a rant on politics (and indeed, I’m not stating a position), but a rant on language. At one point when I was a young ‘un, there was this high-sugar kids’ cereal commercial (I think it was for Cap’n Crunch) where one of the characters was rattling off a long list of those who couldn’t…

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  • Warning to bachelors: bleach eats clothes

    I always thought bleach was used for getting unwanted colors out of clothing. Like, say, coffee colors. So I tried this the other day – it worked great! Kind of like cutting around the stained part and throwing it away, but the bleach method saves the trouble of finding scissors.

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  • Category: Things heard while coming out of sleep (hey FCC, do your job!)

    For suitably large values of emo singer, “inside of me” and “in sodomy” sound exactly alike.

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