Month: October 2013
Notes to myself: Lulzbot TAZ n00b guide
A work in progress… Critical Specs: Bed size / Build envelope: 298mm (X) * 275mm (Y) * 250mm (Z) Nozzle diameter: 0.35mm (shipping default; others available) Filament diameter: The TAZ’s extruder expects 3mm filament. However, not all off-the-shelf filament will be exactly this diameter; the discrepancy could affect print quality in severe cases (see notes…
Tim Tears It Apart: Sensitech TempTale4(R) data logger
One of these devices appeared in a large shipment of temperature-sensitive raw materials at my work, amid a pile of dry ice chips. While I don’t know the MSRP or actual retail price of this gadget, the shipper packs one in with every order and tacks on $60-70 for it as a line-item; nonreturnable as…
A new feature: “Tim Tears It Apart”!
So, as you might have guessed, I’m an electronics engineer, and I like to tear things apart – especially gadgets. I don’t usually post about it, because a) someone else has probably already posted a teardown of that gadget, and b) I’m lazy as balls. But then I realized a good teardown is not all…
Notes to myself: Test a Bluetooth Low Energy device on Raspberry Pi, the quick way
Testing if the new nRF8001-based Mosquino BLE shield I built actually works. With the unmodified library and example code, it purports itself to the a Nordic heartrate monitor. Much of the below based on Michael Saunby’s blog post on checking out a TI SensorTag. Install bluez and hcitool (plus any dependencies). As of today, current…