A new feature: “Tim Tears It Apart”!



So, as you might have guessed, I’m an electronics engineer, and I like to tear things apart – especially gadgets. I don’t usually post about it, because a) someone else has probably already posted a teardown of that gadget, and b) I’m lazy as balls.

But then I realized a good teardown is not all about the pretty pictures, but reverse-engineering the mind and intentions of the original designer. After about a deca*cough* some time in the industry, at the age where I tell kids to get off my lawn*cough* pull up their damn pants, I’m getting a pretty decent feel for not just how a gadget works, but why it works the way it does – i.e. the budgetary constraints, schedule pressures and technical constraints behind specific design decisions. So maybe it is worth posting those teardowns after all :p

I can’t guarantee it’ll be a frequent feature, but there are a few torn-apart gadgets I could throw my 2 cents in on.





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