Category: work
One step closer to my own robot army…
Councillor Hamann: Have you ever been to the engineering level? I love to walk there at night, it’s quite amazing. Would you like to see it? Neo: Sure. Councillor Hamann: Almost no one comes down here, unless, of course, there’s a problem. That’s how it is with people – nobody cares how it works as…
Ok, last rant on these for a while, I swear :P
“This is Habib with Industrial Machinery Magazine(…)” “No thanks.” “It’s an entirely free subscription, which I’ll send out just as soon–” “We’re not interested, we get too many magazines.” “OK, can I just confirm your information–” “Not interested.” “It’ll only take a minute–” “Not interested.” “When should I call back?” “Er… call back? If you…
More @#$% trade magazine peddlers
It must be Horny Sales Douche mating season or something. Do you suppose if I write “BUY NOW” in loud colors on a bottle of saline and throw it out the window, they will leave me alone for a while? *ring ring* Me: (my name and company’s name) Peddler: “Hi my name’s so and so…
Odds & ends
fr33 mp3z d00dz Here’s a kickass site I found: Jamendo. Download and share mp3s, free & legal, without worrying about keeping the RIAA out of your cornhole. All albums released under a Creative Commons license. (And they’re actually pretty good!) Sync on Green, or something to that effect I’ve long been bothered by an unparseable…
My office is at the front of the building, with a large picture window overlooking a stunning view (okay, overlooking the Fire Lane and 2-story parking lot). So the building’s comings and goings occasionally catch my attention. In a span of 3 days, I’ve seen two ambulances quietly show up (no flashing lights, no sirens,…
My dearest MS Word, Thank you again for a wonderful day. You know I’ve always loved your little quirks, like having to ADelete all but the first character of a paragraph I’m replacing, then when I’m finished go back and delete the first character, because as punishment for deviating from this sequence you will change…
It’s Not You, It’s Me (or my flapjack of a customer)
So, I pop up from the lab and this horny sales rep has left me a voicemail. “Er, a while back I sampled you an LCD for a project you were working on, ah, just wanted to know, um, how that’s working out you, what the status of your project is, ok, I guess just…
The last few weeks in review
Woo, long-ish hiatus from blogging. Anyway, since last “real” entry (non roommate rant, geeking, meme, etc.) some or all of the following have happened: Did the company Christmas party thing; dragged LE out to it this time to meet these nut-jobs I work with. She humored me, even though we all got toasted and I…
Unusual question from a ‘zine peddler
At work, our engineers occasionally (as in, all the damned time) field calls from marketing folk offering complimentary magazine subscriptions, as seems to be common practice. The magazines are supported by advertisers and at least vaguely related to our fields. EDN. ECN – with the ‘C’ styled to look like the ‘D’ in EDN flipped…
Ok, I can dye my hair blue now
A couple days ago I was talking to someone, and the subject of proper interview / work attire came up. Of course, there’s a difference between “proper” and “what one can get away with”…the latter being a function of indispensibility. I quipped (not for the first time) that I could dye my hair blue if…
Void Where Prohibited: The Phantom Urinator strikes again!
At work today we had a meeting in which we discussed toilets. We talk about toilets way too much. Figure 1: Toilets, and the discussion thereof, are thouroughly appreciated by everybody. Anyway, for at least the last few weeks or so, there has been a problem with leaks in the men’s room. Specifically, somebody taking…
Yeah, I have one. Over 70% of people do, even though the vast majority of these despise them. It’s one of those discount cards from a major east-coast grocery chain. “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a MARK in their right hand, or in their…
And echoes with the sound of salesmen…
Yeah yeah… I probably sound like I’m on some kind of guy-rag lately. But I feel like ranting, so ranting is what I will do ;-) At work some of us got into a random product-ideas-sales-suggestions discussion over email, passing around the @everyone list. I started writing a quick reply with a few ideas, and…
Come to my office for sound advice…and lynchings!
Our new official EE department mascot Okay, the story behind this: We just got this new whiteboard in for the EE office and asked MP to hang it on the wall. Since it’s replacing an old defunct one, JR set the new one against the wall with “Please hang me” written on it, and the…
Company Xmas party 2005 pics
Actually on Dec. 3, but I only just now got the pictures back :-) Clicky for pictures of my coworkers and I on the piss, including entirely too many pictures of me with my big red balls swinging around. Featuring a great dinner, open bar, hilarious video* (to us; but with inside jokes that require…
extern far MCBSP_Handle hMcbsp1;
That makes my day. OK, not entirely…makes it slightly less sucky, but you’ve gotta start somewhere, right? The mimosa in my office has decided that december is a good time to start making flowers :-P After untold hours of hacking around and pestering TI tech support, I can now write a byte to the evil…
First remote Thanksgiving, or, my week on Marion St.
I celebrated this Thanksgiving in Boston, away from my family for…I think, the first time ever. Blame a lack of priorities or planning or pretty much anything else, but the end result is about the same. For some reason the major holidays, rather than being times of joy and togetherness, have always just kind of…
This week
monday: Out of the blue “WTF?!” condition…not documenting publicly since it involves a good friend and some possibly private stuff. tuesday: “Need a valve actuator PID controller with 100ms settling time* for this project you’ve never heard of before, even though we’ve been working on it for $bignum time now, and have known we needed…
There’s no swimming in the heavy water, no singing in the acid rain… red alert, red alert
I think I figured out why I don’t drink the water at work much. It doesn’t taste like water. Actually, it doesn’t taste like anything. It’s diet water, if there is such a thing. Regular old municipal water, but run through a crazy reverse osmosis, oxygenating, ozonating contraption that brings the dissolved solids down to…
Halloween pics @ work
Will document the weekend once I’m actually home, because that might take a little while. In the meantime… I still recall the taste of your tears… Me with the Osbournes Group photo of all my work-people All the pictures These (of all the work people) will only be online for a few days, so look…