The last few weeks in review



Woo, long-ish hiatus from blogging. Anyway, since last “real” entry (non roommate rant, geeking, meme, etc.) some or all of the following have happened:

Did the company Christmas party thing; dragged LE out to it this time to meet these nut-jobs I work with. She humored me, even though we all got toasted and I tried to get her to dance :-P Had to explain about ten times to various too-interested co-workers that no, we are just friends and not an Item (and get the “why-not-you-dickless-idiot” about the same number of times). It might be fun to bring a dude next year.

Spent half a week in CT testing a self-balancing-blade technology at Unnamed Helicopter (a.k.a. My Life with the Spin Grin Cult) with CL and AL. This meant waking up at about 4-5am every day, which ranks right up there in my book with, say, having my kajongas amputated. The first day out, the bottom dropped out of my x-large Panera Mocha-Frapp-Latte-Ccino-wake-up-dammit-juice just as I was about to enjoy the first orgasmic sip, drowning the interior of AL’s Beamer in coffee of unknown quality (he even stopped grinning momentarily), but other than that, not much eventful happened, which is good. E.g. no electronics caught fire, no blades delaminated and became shrapnel bombs at 1,000RPM, all our data channels (mostly) worked, and the testing was an overall success.

An aside to talk about Tempur-Postur-Pedic fancy pants mattresses. The place I stayed for this trip had one. I can and have slept on just about any horizontal surface, including, but not limited to, flat rocks, concrete, larger members of the opposite sex, hardwood floors and wet tent dirt. But I couldn’t get much sleep on this thing. Imagine a tired old college-dorm mattress with a huge sagggg in the middle that you keep rolling into…now imagine that wherever you roll to escape it, the sag follows you. Wake up with the sensation of drowning, and find that the man-eating mattress has swallowed you down to your topmost ear. With a great and valiant effort, you succeed in rolling out of the deep pit that formed around you, find a nice firm spot elsewhere, and resolve to get some shuteye. Slowly begin to sink… repeat this process throughout the night. All right, that’s my rant for the day.

Got home that Thursday to find that some co<implausibly long string of profanity here>ucker busted the driver’s side mirror off my car while I was gone. I found the smashed carcass of it laying next to the door, and little pieces of mirror all over the street, with a few that managed to get on top of the car. Maybe time to get cracking on BumperCam/EtcCam*.

Found that after 2+ months of acting all lifeless and dead, my blueberry seeds sprouted! Only 3 more years until sweet, delicious blueberries in my room.

Procrastinated like a mofo on writing out holiday cards (I think they went out christmas eve, although who knows when the mailman actually collected them) and getting crap for peoplegift shopping.

Picked up a Nintendo DS; voided the warranty on the first day. It’s now a Linux-based intarweb and wardriving appliance. Of course, it plays games too.

Rang in the holidays with meat. Xmas eve, tasty roasted chicken and stuffing at JR’s. Xmas day, grilling dripping-red steaks at my place with JR, LE and SA. New years eve, at LE and company’s place, a quart over full with a delicious roast pork shoulder, which we followed up with some mild drinking activity and a bunch of movies (some in human sofa mode :P) . Oh, and crashed there until the following day too, and discovered evidence that there is a God.

Now… hiding from the world and catching up on this bloggy thing. It’s SBIR season again and I procrastinated to the last minute, so expect me to stay a bit scarce for the next week or so. (And become an instant expert on artificial neural networks! Yyyyyeah…)

*although if used for more worthwhile purposes, I guarantee they’d come up with some excuse why a dated, cryptographically signed video of a cop hassling you is not admissible as courtroom evidence, or worse



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