• Circle stickers on cars – gettin’ hip with ISO

    Sometime after moving to the east coast, I started noticing a few cars driving around with these black and white oval-shaped stickers bearing a random 3-letter code. At first I figured they were some kind of east-coast thing, maybe parking stickers identifying membership in a particular school district, etc. I didn’t think much of it…

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  • Anonymizer.com Inc. and “Trademark Delusion”

    This week I got the following nastygram from Anonymizer.com Inc., a company that runs an anonymizing Web proxy, alleging trademark infringement. Subject: Trademark infringement From: “Jason Van Peeren” <withheld> Date: Mon, February 25, 2008 11:43 am To: <withheld> http://cexx.org/anony.htm I noticed that you are currently using our Trademark Term in a fashion that infringes on…

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  • Movie meme recap

    Eeks, only now did I realize that almost half of these are John Carpenter flicks. 1) I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass… and I’m all out of bubblegum. John Carpenter’s They Live. Only the awesomest alien movie that ever was, starring (Rowdy) Roddy Piper, as the main character, in an actual…

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  • Demotivational posters

    So, while waiting for my boards to come back on Secret Project A and Non-Secret Project B, and for the guy at Company C to get back to me on diagnosing a crash between their Windows DLL and my software that is supposed to interact with it, I was…less than motivated, so I made some…

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  • Spinlock This: Less productive than reading slashdot all day! Film at 11.

    1) Dude. Seriously. The display we’ll be designing into our gadget won’t be ready for 6 more months? You said it was ready a week ago, and that was two months ago. Our customer is crawling up my ass for the prototype we promised them in December. So you gave me this other one and…

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  • [meme] Movies

    Stolen from Stormsdotter 1. Pick 15 of your favorite movies. 2. Go to IMDb and find a quote from each movie. 3. Post them here for everyone to guess. 4. Fill in the film title once it’s guessed. 5. NO GOOGLING/using IMDb search functions. 1) I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass……

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  • What does an OEM shipment of vibrators look like?

    There you go, an inner pack of 96 electric vibrators. For industrial, scientific and laboratory use of course. The box is just over 1ft by 1ft, but of reasonable heft. It could be worse, a full case is 575 units. It would really suck to be the UPS guy then. PS. I was home at…

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  • Pics of previous entry

    Me just a-standing in the stuff 200 Boston ‘avin a slash…oh, that knobbly bit in the wall that the water is streaming out of is a structural support beam. Lake Medford’s boat ramp…no, wait, that’s our loading dock. Sewer vortex in the parking lot Sewer vortex in video form

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  • Oil & water

    First a plug to the folks at Lyons Fuel. This morning I get a knock on my bedroom door that the boiler quit working (no heat / cold showers); the gauge on the tank read almost empty (I don’t really trust the gauge), so I assumed the tank ran all the way empty and the…

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  • Trap?

    So my girlfriend, who is awesome btw, has indicated that she’s not into the whole Valentine’s day thing (as in it kind of disgusts her a bit), and I shouldn’t do anything out of the ordinary on this day. She doesn’t like pink, excess sap, bad poetry, heart-shaped boxes full of chocolate (except to the…

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  • Take my money, please!

    I mean it, guys, want money from me in exchange for services I’ve agreed to? All you have to do is ask. So apparently, if you ever dare to log into GMAC Mortgage’s web site and pay a bill “on-line” (using teh interwebs), even just once, they stop billing you. Neat, huh? Subprime house in…

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  • Salesdouche game for a bored day

    Today was one of those little icky days where, after the fun and mildly arty process of designing a set of boards, the next step was to spend all day in Excel sourcing parts and getting all their prices filled in (and ripping up parts of the design where the part had gone non-stock, etc.).…

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  • Unique and beautiful snowflakes

    According to The Great Google, I’m one of only three people on the planet who uses the term “backward-endian” to refer to computing platforms who store their bits and/or bytes in “little end first” order (aka. little-endian, where all the bits are stored least-significant-digit first and most-significant last, kind of like storing a million as…

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  • Woo Vista

    I just had my first taste of Windows Vista, uninstalling the mountains of craplets pre-installed on a co-worker’s new HP laptop. Renaming a shortcut on the desktop required clicking “ok” to two authorization dialogs. ‘Nuff said.

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  • Less-than-three

    Last Friday night, Kr* is acting unusual and then confides in me that she’s having “irrational girl thoughts”. Digging for the bottom of them, I hear…”What are your thoughts…about us?” Oh shit, I thought, here it comes. That talk that tells a guy, as politely as possible, that it’s time to start updating that dating…

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  • Bulk update December 07

    Wow, I really have to keep this thing updated. So now that it’s past mid-January, I should document December, right? ;) Anyway, December: The older I get, the more I notice my capacity for putting up with bullshit decreasing at an alarming rate. Latest bullshit from GMAC: Not three weeks after filing a complaint re:…

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  • Spirit of X-Mas in America

    True story. The following overheard on my way into the Shaw’s on Locust St., where a cop (or rent-a-cop, they all look alike) was hassling what I could only guess was a suspected shoplifter (or generally suspicious mixed-ethnicity youth, etc.): “You walk into the store, you walk out of the store, you don’t buy anything……

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  • Clean Pile / Dirty Pile – laundry management system and method rev2

    As mentioned in a recent post, I own a dresser, which has been stocked with clothing* approximately twice in the last 3.5 years. (Eek, Boston, has it really been that long?) I don’t know who came up with dressers, but they probably didn’t have a day job. “So wait, I’m supposed to take all the…

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  • Why Windows asks you for drivers again whenever you plug a USB device into a new port!

    I found this today while searching on another USB-developer-related problem: "Why does Windows not recognize my USB device as the same device if I plug it into a different port?" For those who can’t be bothered to click the link, this occurs if the device doesn’t specify a serial number in its USB descriptors. They…

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  • The good, the bad, and the ugly!

    OK, I kind of forgot I have a blog here. Anyway, here’s a bulk update of the last few weeks. Good: Thanksgiving: HAL, LE and I went over to TvS’ place two doors down for a most excellent Thanksgiving dinner with their whole family and MP. They had turkey and all the trimmings; we (mainly…

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