Sweet, my brain *does* work in 3D
I’ve been remembering segments of dreams the last couple weeks, which is highly unusual for me, and they’ve been…well, no “sleepwanking”* involved, but unusually amorous. The most recent one, however, was orgasmic for other reasons. I guess you could say it was a post-apocalyptic humans-vs-our-own-AI-run-amok story, vaguely reminiscent of The Matrix trilogy with a less…
My old (pre-pay) cell phone, free to good home
I have a cell contract and a new phone, so I no longer have a use for this one. It’s big and the screen isn’t in color, but it still does what phones do best – taking pictures emailing text messages surfing the internet you know, making phone calls. Since it’s contractless and fully functional…
Gr8…VZW ncuragz txt spk w/ msg xl8r
One of the guys at work wrote a LABVIEW module that will send someone a phone text message (via T-Mobile’s email-to-SMS gateway) if anything unusual happens with an unattended test rig in the lab before shutting down the test. That’s pretty cool (especially once I get together a list of valid SMS addresses and a…
Mini-update that turned out to be not-so-mini
Meat & Greet So far, this has been shaping up to be the Summer Of Meat (with apologies to my one remaining LJ vegan). Since last(ish) post, there’s been a sweet housewarming/BBQ at DE’s*, a semi-literal sausage fest at GJM’s, and more raw fish than I can shake a chopstick at. The annual lamb roast…
‘Cause waking up is hard to do…
We’re doing this “10-4” thing at work for one week out of every month; this week is the first one (i.e. 10-hr days for 4 days, and friday off*); that’s probably it. And one single specific timecritical project** that I need to have results for by the end of tomorrow (while constantly being interrupted with…
Nine times out of ten it’s an electric razor…
After much slacking around and procrastinating, we now have Rez Vibes! Lots and lots of them, if I feel like making more and selling them on ebay. The nitty gritty details are written up here.
A friend (who, ahem, should be studying now! ;-) sent this the other night: The Autism Quotient test. (A real test by actual researchers, not that OKCupid crap.) If you take it, post your results here – I’m kind of curious what everyone else got; e.g. what’s the spread, whether the test seems skewed one…
Fun with PCB Fab Express
Yet another electronics geek post. Click here for sssexy circuit boards and my lab Stickin It to Da Man (aka being cheapwads).
Life’s a beach, and then…
Einstein’s down on the beach staring into the sand Cause everything he believes in is shattered What you fear in the night in the day comes to call anyway-ay We all get burned as one more sun comes sliding down the sky My folks came out to Boston-land this weekend; dragged me out to Cape…
And echoes with the sound of salesmen…
Yeah yeah… I probably sound like I’m on some kind of guy-rag lately. But I feel like ranting, so ranting is what I will do ;-) At work some of us got into a random product-ideas-sales-suggestions discussion over email, passing around the @everyone list. I started writing a quick reply with a few ideas, and…
Compress track by external program
You’ve cared for it, you’ve babied it, you’ve glued it back together a few times, you’ve limped it along, blown the dust out, wiggled and jiggled it back to workingness, and as it went south, prodded ever more carelessly hoping to get back any response, any sign of life, and ultimately, watched it go up…
Motorola E815 hacking
Yay, it is done. This phone kicks ass! I ran into some weird problems at first, not mentioned by any advice forum / tutorial / etc., so I wrote this up to hopefully save people with the same issues a lot of debug work. Read more…
Walking (walking away (walking with my back toward the world again today))
I think I’ve been unusually piss-off-able lately, and I’m not sure why. I don’t think Aunt Irma is an issue for menfolk, especially for an entire month, but I’m starting to wonder. I was probably no more irritated / irritable today than any Normal Person given the same circumstances, but for me I considered it…
Top 15 practical uses for duct tape in the bedroom
Practical uses for duct tape in the bedroom: 15. To insulate grindable or chippable (etc.) surfaces against wear/damage due to excessive banging, rattling, friction or lateral motion; or to dampen noise / squeaking from same. 14. Vibration control. 13. To secure the paper bag, should the direness of your straits require one. 12. If there…
Take Your Sex Toys To Work Day
I have a pretty cool workplace. I can wear “stupid people in large groups” or “duct tape in the bedroom” or even my dildo shirt without worrying about somebody complaining; there’s a beer fridge in our conference room, and you can often find a small gathering cracking a couple cold ones after hours. They tolerate…
Don’t write conference descriptions before lunch
From the list of discussions at the Real-Time & Embedded Computing Conference* this year: MASTERING MDA COMPOSABLE SYSTEMS BOUILLABAISSE presented by John Singer, Objective Interface Systems Bring your requirements and tools and together we’ll create a savory real-time dish, steeped in technology yet palatable to management. Using the Finest Ingredients: 2C Real-time CORBA base 2C…
E(vent)ful weekendish
More than my fair share of drama during this timeframe, but that’s already been ranted elsewhere here. I’ll probably do a bit more ranting later, then try to forget about it all… Thurs.: Seder dinner at J.R.’s place! (I’m not Jewish, but I can fake it convincingly…especially when there’s such good food to be had!)…
Tonight I can write the saddest lines.
I thought the future held a perfect place for us That together we would learn to be the best that we could be In my naivety I ran I fell and lost my way Somehow I always end up falling over me I’m pretty naive sometimes, in matters concerning people. I very seldom lie–pretty much…
Empty rooms that echo as I climb the stairs. Empty clothes that drape and fall on empty chairs
I’ve always considered myself a one-woman man. (Actually, that’s usually one more than I can handle ;-) ) But a few nights ago, the idea of polyamory was suggested–by my girl, no less–and, while it doesn’t sound like something I’d be either into or good at, I guess I’ve been giving it some thought. I’m…
Baby, sometimes I feel like dying, driving while I’m closing my eyes
Yeah, I’m ranty lately… I was up this morning dropping my girl off at work#3, in an area of town I’m not that familiar with. I’d take a bullet for this girl, but that doesn’t mean I won’t rant about it afterward ;) Anyway… I don’t mind driving in Boston so much when I know…
Find stuff…
- Das Blinkenlichten – wearable lighting
- Goldmine Electronics LCD pinout (mini-teardown)
- Mosquino: an Arduino-based energy harvesting development board
- Pick and Place Project
blinkenlichten broken brokenbydesign circuit bending cnc codebending comcast corporates crashes dell error evil foodz freezes gadget garden glitch music groan hangs humor idiocy led lirc machine meme NES norrisolide pickplace precision python recipe reprap rgb salesdouche serial stupidity sucks t3400 teardown ticket timtearsitapart usb webcam windows xp