Camping in Maine



Kr* an I went camping/hiking in Acadia for this weekend…her first time in South Canada Maine. So we made camp on Friday evening, and ran up to the top of Cadillac Mtn. on Saturday, followed by a trip back down the steep side to Bubble Pond (~6mi). This was just after the Corporate Challenge (the run I do with the work crew once a year to remind myself how much I hate running), so I was a little bit sore. But this is a small price to pay for a weekend of campfires, meat on a stick and breathtaking views :-) We didn’t see anything from the actual top, since it was surrounded in thick fog by then, but there were plenty of great views on the way up. Sunday we set out for the logically-named Sand Beach and found a long trail along the ocean, leading to Thunder Hole, Otter Cliff and Otter Point. About 2 miles out is when it started to rain buckets :P Luckily, we had some dry clothes in the car.

[Pictures of Much Awesomeness]






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