Category: work
Nor’easter // Grey is light gray…gray is darker
and GRAY isn’t any darker, just more intense. Like if you cut it apart, it would collapse back together quickly; pressurized fog. A few days ago I wrote about a generically crappy day, weather-wise. Today was more of a catastrophically crappy weather-day. It’s wierd though, I like storms. I’ve heard myself complain my first year…
I’ve spent most of this fine day cursing software. Literally. Damning it to the bowels from whence it came, and its Creators, and the jackasses they rode in on. On a DSP development board’s associated toolchain, I’ve even been writing myself (yes, documentation….theoretically, for the next poor sap that has to program this thing, but…
Damn, it feels good to be an IT-person. (…not!)
All right, I guess I’ve been doing way too much …introspecting?… and way not enough documentation in here lately. So anyway – what kept me occupied Wed night: (besides discovery of Frozen Bubble on GJM’s computer) Intellispace, the company that has handled the ‘net connection to my work for as long as I’ve been there,…
Quantum Toilet Seat
Recently, some issues regarding bathroom tidiness have come up among the work crew. Besides the obvious issue, the fact that the little silver handle on the front of the tank is *not* intended to be solely decorative, another has come up – where the toilet seat should ideally be when not in use. We will…
Who do these guys think they are? My reply:
To whom would I be billing this time? > > > Dear Tim *******: Exhibit Surveys, Inc., an independent research firm, has been commissioned by the show organizer to certify the number of attendees to NEPCON/Assembly East 2005. Your response is extremely important for the accuracy of this project. Our records indicate that you registered…
Altera training
This is mostly just here for datestamp, since about 0 people I know are interested in this sort of thing :-) Was at a set of training courses yesterday and today…paid time off work, learning stuff, and free food. And now I know (indeed, even more than I wanted to) about the architecture of Cyclone…
I vow never to fly Northwest Airlines again.
All right, I’m doing this evil out-of-order blogging thing because I’ve been too busy to actually write stuff here (starting with Chicago trip of um…several weeks ago, still not mentioned), but right now I’m pissed off and need to vent my spleen. I don’t get pissed off very often. NORTHWEST AIRLINES … are a bunch…
Well, today my BRAKE boards finally came in. No Zoran COACH chips, and no footprints carefully sawed off of them (in the world where I’m NOT a Viking), but I didn’t even have them all the way out of their little Fedex box when I noticed the first fuckup. All my text on the top…
Tag, you’re IT!
All right, I guess while I’m sitting here documenting things, I’ll tell you about my day (I know, I don’t really blog entries of the type “I got up, went to work, did a bunch of stuff, and then went to bed, and today was basically just like the 300-odd weekdays that came before it”).…
TTCI, pt2
(There was somethin’ in the city that he said he couldn’t breathe And there was somethin’ in the country that he said he couldn’t leave) As laid-back and beautiful as it was, it also seemed kind of.. too small, dead-end and going nowhere fast. I don’t know why I’m thinking in the context of Places…
The air in the lab was filled with stars and spirals and crudely-drawn ringed planets and exclamation points.
I’m in the cheapest motel in Pueblo, sprawled out lazily on a bed enjoying some free wireless and pounding out some perl scripts to analyze and reduce some gigs’ worth data I don’t have yet, with some random sporting event on the TV in the background and my roommate sawing steel logs on the other…
A surreal day…
Today in the life of Tim: At work, my PM guy abruptly resigned, making me a project manager as of 4:45pm today. Yeeks. I’m going to be managing people, handing out Things To Do and specifications and timelines, and be the guy chewing peoples’ asses when it doesn’t get done. Me + responsibility = a…
BBQ’ing and business ventures
Ran on (okay, walked) over to G*’s house tonight, to cook a little food and run some trains. And talk the usual, semi-BS talk of side business and company-starting that seems to have been going around lately. Like geek-grade hardware that’s fun to play with, fun to design and fun to build. Things that people…
I felt like destroying something beautiful.
It was a well-choreographed Vaudeville routine, a thing of precision and wonder, dancing into itself like egg beaters. Every instruction timed with care and precision, every clock cycle accounted for, unstoppable, untouchable, pure clean hand-optimized asm. But that was before it went from being a 1-channel device to an 8-channel device. That’s when I discovered…