Month: June 2005

  • Sometimes I feel like if only I knew more, knew just the right sequence of words, I could make it all better. I wish I could believe that.

    Someone has hurt you, and the only way I can make you feel better is to try to get to the bottom of the matter with that person. Standing in the way of resolution is this question, and I have to answer it. This question has a finite number of answers. There is no possible…

  • Crap, I forgot about that.

    (But if I’m not directly observing / being observed by them, Chicago-people cease to exist. Right?) … [22:31] Me: um….I’m hoping people have gotten to that stage in their lives where they realize it’s OK to have female friends that you aren’t banging [22:32] F*: yeah, but you know how ppl are [22:33] Me: yeah…

  • Wow, this thing’s pretty good.

    But what’s this transhumanism stuff about? (Meh, I won’t build myself any cyborgans for at least a couple years. (Dangermouse? Maybe it means terrormouse.) Based on the lj interests lists of those who share my more unusual interests, the interests suggestion meme thinks I might be interested in1. transhumanism score: 52. free software score: 53.…

  • Can’t sleep….clown will eat me….

    So I’m hacking on some stuff….actually re-hacking someone else’s much more elegant stuff into a form my archaic copy of Borland CPPB4 will tolerate. “‘FILE’ cannot start a parameter declaration” … hmm… it can in MSVC, apparently. I made the mistake of drinking a 20oz mtn dew at about midnight…there seems to be a strong…

  • More random quotes!

    Either stumbled across, or from people I know…ya, I have this bad habit of saving them :-) “Heh well, technically the picture is always upside down since the light hits your eye, which inverts what is actually there. Its a cool aspect of evolution that has allowed us to align our perspective of the world…

  • VNV in Boston

    These guys kick ass, what more needs to be said? All right, quotes from the last couple days…yaya, I’m a week late writing this anyway… “How about, we’ll find someplace shady and stop there, and you can put on sunscreen.” – me *laughter* – No* “I meant, a place not in direct sunlight…” – me…

  • Bitchslap!

    Now that’s what I like to see. As reported by BusinessWeek, WSJ and a few other places, the malware vendor Hotbar has been sued by Symantec, apparently in response to receiving a nastygram from Hotbar’s lawyers demanding Symantec stop detecting their malware as… well, malware. Unfortunately this is a common theme in malware research (rather…

  • Chicago (waiting (failstating (masturbating in the grating (there was fuck-all else to do))))

    One of the primary objectives in making a random trip back to my hometown was to get laid (lets just say I have a very satisfied customer in the area, and a friend who seems to want to become one), but that didn’t happen. Actually, a lot of the time was spent bumming rides (my…

  • Livepress test

    test! test! *tap tap*…is this thing on? Cexxy blog and LJ. Where one rolls the other follows…