

The wort boil coagulates out various proteins; the rapid cooling helps precipitate out these and other particulates (e.g. the hops), which sink to the bottom of the pot. Here we're siphoning the wort to the fermenter, trying to stir up as little sediment as possible and avoid oxygenating the mix.
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Camera: SONY DSC-P52 | Date: 9/6/08 7:38 PM | Resolution: 1536 x 2048 | ISO: 200 | Exp. Time: 1/40s | Aperture: 4.0 | Focal Length: 6.3mm (=41mm)
Total images: 35 | Last update: 9/17/08 10:27 PM | Generated by JAlbum 7.2 & Chameleon | Help