Whither TrashAmp?



The TrashAmp, a project I started while living in Chicago (to give you some idea how long ago that was – late 2003), was to serve as a subtle testament to a disposable society by building a high-power car audio amp entirely out of trash (specifically, electronics waste scavenged from the curb). Things started out well, but I ran into a long-term shortage of a few specific parts, and had to choose between “have it now/soon” and “suffer with my crappy stock radio for possibly years, but adhere to the original design goal (all trash)” – so I broke down and ordered the last couple parts online.

A little over three years later, the TrashAmp has been built, broken, and rebuilt with even more new parts (though with some performance issues it would take a substantial redesign to fix).

Meanwhile, I have also come to the following realizations:

  • I’m an engineer, I have money now
  • I’m an engineer, I don’t have copious freetime (like I did as an unemployed hobbyist / trash parts scavenger)
  • I can get a substantially better unit for ~ $60 off-the-shelf, with all new parts

So I think I’m gonna do it – give up on TrashAmp and just get a COTS unit from Ye Olde Internet Gadget Store.

(Anyone disappointed? Speak now or forever hold your peace! :P)






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