Month: February 2011
Motorized SMT tape-and-reel feeder for DIY pick & place
Despite the impact of work, wedding planning and Super Metroid fan-hacks (not necessarily in that order ;-) on my freetime, my scheme to design a DIY-able open pick & place system is starting to come along. So far, there is a proper vacuum placement head, a rough idea of what the software architecture might look…
Tape Sprocket Creator
This is a free (open source) Python script for creating feeder sprockets for e.g. perforated tape or film advance. I wrote it for myself to generate SMD tape-and-reel feed sprockets, but it might also be useful for making replacement sprockets for 8/16/35mm film, microfilm and paper-tape systems whose original reader hardware no longer exists or…
I P, U P, everybody (DHC)Ps…
My page that tells you your IP address is up and running again, after a PHP configuration change by my web host knocked it out. Anyway, enjoy the glory of finding out your external IP address without getting socked by porn popups!
Reversing an aquarium pump
An aquarium air pump can be used as an inexpensive source of low vacuum with a small amount of tweaking. Supplies needed are: The air pump Screwdriver (usually) to open the air pump Hose barb (your favorite size) for vacuum inlet Drill Glue (e.g. RTV/caulk, epoxy, etc.) Of course, you could convert one by sealing…
Pick n place head update
This is a quick follow up to the pick & place head article, in which I actually build the darn thing :-) As in, not just fit-test the parts together and take a picture, but actually pick and place some stuff with it. I’ve been busy/lazy, so not too much to show in terms of…