Month: October 2005
I got back from finally hauling my car someplace to get it worked on, and I saw (besides my breath) a couple isolated flakes of dandruff in the air. Except I don’t have dandruff (…checks again…) no, definitely not. Crap, it’s snowing.
Spinlock in a DJ booth
For the most part, I don’t mind people playing the radio* in my office, it breaks the silence that could otherwise get kind of annoying. It’s a sort of “war room” layout, myself and two mechies in a big room bouncing ideas off each other**. But if I have to hear about this Hot Chick…
I was just thinking it would be good to be able to load voice recognition software onto a cellphone so that to text message, instead of punching a million slow buttons to create a message you could just *say* the message and it would convert it to a text for you…and then realized how silly…
XboX story, still not over!… (Bank error in your favor)
I got my latest credit card statement the other day, and on it was a credit in the amount of $159 or so from (Background on the Xbox saga.) The credit card company had already negated the charge when I discovered it, because it was fraudulent, but apparently when I brought the (attempted-stolen-by-world’s-dumbest-criminal) goods…
Radio blackout // meh.. sleep is for people who don’t have to figure anything out.
I don’t know why when I don’t know what’s going on, the details of a situation, I always assume the worst. Sometimes I’m right. Sometimes I’m just being paranoid. Never can tell which is which though; they feel the same at the time.
Nor’easter // Grey is light gray…gray is darker
and GRAY isn’t any darker, just more intense. Like if you cut it apart, it would collapse back together quickly; pressurized fog. A few days ago I wrote about a generically crappy day, weather-wise. Today was more of a catastrophically crappy weather-day. It’s wierd though, I like storms. I’ve heard myself complain my first year…
Sunday morning I’m still hiding in bed. Listening to the rhythm of the rain above my head
All day today it was crappy out – not the good, interesting, thunder-and-lightning crappy that it was around 3am, but the kind of bland, anonymous crappy of not cold enough to be statistically significant and not dark and gray enough to be interesting. I spent it kind of recovering from a Halloween party last night,…
I’ve spent most of this fine day cursing software. Literally. Damning it to the bowels from whence it came, and its Creators, and the jackasses they rode in on. On a DSP development board’s associated toolchain, I’ve even been writing myself (yes, documentation….theoretically, for the next poor sap that has to program this thing, but…
Sushi party at J.R.’s place. Nobody else showed up, so more fish for me! (woot) But before that, saw her awesome lab, learned (part of) how to do a Southern blot, /* Crayola flourescent crayon exposes photographic film … so do porcelain teeth */ and left obscene magnetic poetry on someone’s fridge. (|alcohol|then|sex|with|the|experiment|…) Through Sat/Sun…
Girl power…?
Kind of like an honorary degree, except not, I’ve been told that I’m an honorary girl. I spent the long holiday weekend, among other things, learning how to braid hair. You know, like that stuff that grows on your head when you aren’t looking. Why? Because it was something to do with friends, whose company…
Party, my house? Surely you jest.
mistile, v. – To tile incorrectly or erroneously, such as when laying flooring or Scrabble pieces. I used it, now it’s a word for sure :) Scrabble & Pictionary / etc. party at my place. I didn’t know my house could hold that many people without collapsing on itself.
Damn, it feels good to be an IT-person. (…not!)
All right, I guess I’ve been doing way too much …introspecting?… and way not enough documentation in here lately. So anyway – what kept me occupied Wed night: (besides discovery of Frozen Bubble on GJM’s computer) Intellispace, the company that has handled the ‘net connection to my work for as long as I’ve been there,…
didn’t see it, but I saw you see it
Hmm…kinda of grinding on a lot of internal stuff lately. Kind of trying to distract myself away from that with projects. My dominating emotional state tends to lag reality by a few days. I’m kind of wierd that way. Maybe this is a graceful degradation strategy at some subconscious level, integration time, averaging, noise filtering…smoothing…
Project Asshat*
Between the open heart and the whisper goodbye, there’s a perfect teardrop in your eye. Between the lover’s moon and the trembling sky, there’s a broken dream in your mind. Wow. When this particular state began to collapse (or already did, but that info hadn’t propagated to there yet) I was mentally composing…well, a patch…
More mind-bending parasites
I didn’t actually go out looking for this, honest!, it just kinda found me via my Web host‘s absurdly (but fun!) random newsletter. Kind of a followup to a previous entry, here are some more, courtesy Body-Snatching Barnacles and Zombie Crabs Mind-Controlling Wasps and Zombie Spiders QOTD: “She even named one of the team’s…