Month: July 2004

  • Random Political Rant

    This wouldn’t be a proper bloggg without at least one vaguely political rant, so without further ado… I’ve come to a conclusion, and a lot of you are not gonna like it. It goes like this: I’m not voting for any fool who wants to shit up this fine country by increasing our Homeland Security.…

  • DNC

    We went out and watched the DNC tonight downtown. OK, actually, we hit the pubs and observed the whole mess from a respectable distance (onscreen!) – but were in the thick of gay marriage and miscellaneous other protesters, blaring their diatribes from bullhorns mounted on gaudily-painted vans (gotta love conditional noise ordinances). I was originally…

  • Ocean fishin’ with the work crew

    Loaded for bear First catch (a little one) (…the ones underneath…those are the bait!) Once you catch ’em, you have to catch ’em again…in the boat! Me hanging on for dear life (the boat, she was a rockin’) AJ chumming the waters, again (seasick much?) Hey, it worked! (After a couple hours of lax fish…

  • Check Engine

    Yes, this is a rant. While tooling around with the college gang somewheres about Michigan (see previous entry), my check engine light comes on. Remember when Check Engine used to mean something? Why, I remember when that meant your alternator just died, and you had two hours of drive time (with everything juice-draining off) until…

  • Homegoing at a glance or slightly more

    J* and E*: It’s like I was never gone at all. T*: Did we like, used to know each other or something? T*’s bitch: Still an asshole as ever. Immediately entered Turf Protection mode. (Incidentally, I come to find out I’ve been attaining sort of a bad reputation in my absence…) (Hey…um…I’m 23 and live…