Month: February 2004

  • I love Scams!

    Title: I AM ME Author: Me TACGATCA ACCGTTCA GGTAAGTC CGATTCCG GATTCACA TCGAACTA GCGTACCG CTGAGGCT AGTCCGAT TTATCGAC GGTCCACA CAGGTCCA TCCGACCG ACGTGCTC GCTAGGTC TACGTAAT What you’ve just read is a work of exceptional artistic expression. So exceptional, in fact, that it will be featured in the anthology of the International League of Poetry, and is a semi-finalist…

  • Grr

    Grrrr #1 (yesterday) “I have good news and bad news. The good news is we have a wonderful testing opportunity for LCxxx (super-secret project slated to wrap up in, oh, April). Bad news is we’ll need a fully debugged, working prototype by next Friday. It’ll need to record continuously for 3 months on the ridiculously…

  • Storyful times

    Ha, when the cat’s away, I wonder what the mouse will say? This cat’s been hearing some interesting ones lately. First off, I’m apparently madly in love with T*, who, as you might notice, gets entirely too much attention in this here bloggg :-) . Unfortunately, this is as much news to me as it…

  • These gentle walls, this metal sky

    I had an interesting conversation with T* today, where I was asked if I have emotions. Izznt dat veerd? Well, maybe not so wierd. I hadn’t really given this much thought before. That is, how this whole uneasy agreement between mind and body that is me appears to the casual observer. Probably a little too…

  • I Fail It

    Tonight has not been my night for communication. I feel like I’ve fallen into a fountain of stupid and can’t claw my way back out. In two separate occasions, trying to ease things and then to just have a normal conversation without violating my personal ethics, I’ve only made things worse. It’s a good thing…

  • White powder

    As foretold by prophecy, I hit the slopes again today. (Umm…*snif* I can quit whenever I want) Actually getting the hang of this thing now, and have advanced from ridiculous speed to ludicrous speed and (mostly) mastered the art of slicing around randomly without planting my face. In fact, the guys I was meeting at…

  • “earth’s organic heritage”

    Getting involved at all in this could cause me to lose some people I happen to like. But it’s just so hard to bite my tongue, while seeing her tear herself apart, in the hope that I am wrong. QOTD: Ye cannot get the FLASK. It is firmly bolted to a wall which is bolted…