Category: gEEk
LSP-Fix utility open-sourced
I wrote this waaay back in college, while doing the webmaster / perl thing at the Power Transmission Products Company Who Shall Remain Nameless. It took maybe a couple evenings after work plus a weekend to code, and probably just as much time coming up with test cases to throw at it (not to mention…
Ever have one of those *boggle* moments? Scott and I were talking about processors and DSPs, and the days of yore when there was actually a clearly-defined difference between the two. General conclusion was, there doesn’t need to be a difference anymore; technology has advanced to a point where we can have every chip do…
Nine times out of ten it’s an electric razor…
After much slacking around and procrastinating, we now have Rez Vibes! Lots and lots of them, if I feel like making more and selling them on ebay. The nitty gritty details are written up here.
Fun with PCB Fab Express
Yet another electronics geek post. Click here for sssexy circuit boards and my lab Stickin It to Da Man (aka being cheapwads).
And echoes with the sound of salesmen…
Yeah yeah… I probably sound like I’m on some kind of guy-rag lately. But I feel like ranting, so ranting is what I will do ;-) At work some of us got into a random product-ideas-sales-suggestions discussion over email, passing around the @everyone list. I started writing a quick reply with a few ideas, and…
Motorola E815 hacking
Yay, it is done. This phone kicks ass! I ran into some weird problems at first, not mentioned by any advice forum / tutorial / etc., so I wrote this up to hopefully save people with the same issues a lot of debug work. Read more…
Take Your Sex Toys To Work Day
I have a pretty cool workplace. I can wear “stupid people in large groups” or “duct tape in the bedroom” or even my dildo shirt without worrying about somebody complaining; there’s a beer fridge in our conference room, and you can often find a small gathering cracking a couple cold ones after hours. They tolerate…
Oh Noes! Text document security vulnerability
Remote Incorrection Vulnerability Affects Textual Internet Documents Why yes, it *is* April 1st, why do you ask? ;-)
Words of the day: Rez, teledildonics
This weekend I was at J.R.’s place and we installed a hard drive in her PS2. Jordan supplied a memory card containing exploit code which executes from the card when the PS2 begins running most PS1 game discs. From there, you can run arbitrary code, including loaders for the network-attached hard drive, FTP servers, Linux…
Top Google pagerankers exposed…
Results 1 – 10 of about 25,270,000,000 for -32768. (0.04 seconds) Enter most any query, including a numeric one, into Google and it will return all the pages which contain that term or are pointed to by links containing that term. But not long ago, I couldn’t remember whether -32767 or -32768 was the maximum…
Your cellphone battery implements SHA-1, film at 11.
I read an article in EDN yesterday that came as a mild shocker, hashing and cryptography chips designed for embedding in….batteries. Yes, batteries. Specifically, rechargeable battery packs used in cellphones, laptops, cameras and similar consumer devices, allowing the device to reject “unauthorized” replacement batteries. Yes folks, slapping in a replacement battery pack for some discontinued…
Woo, sneaky… and countersneaky
Some web servers send a site navigation page or other response page with a “HTTP 200 OK” response instead of a “HTTP 404 Not Found” result for page-not-found conditions. To check on web server handling of page-not-found conditions, Slurp will occasionally send deliberately odd URLs built from random words to sites from which no 404…
Event horizon
Wizard of Oz: As for you, my galvanized friend, you want a heart. You don’t know how lucky you are not to have one. Hearts will never be practical until they can be made unbreakable. Tin Woodsman: But I still want one. I’ve mentioned observability issues far too many times already, so, I’m not going…
It was sad, it was sweet, and I knew it complete, when I wore a younger man’s clothes
Ya… it’s cold out and I don’t really wanna go outside all that much, so what am I doing? I’m re-learning VHDL* of course! Think of it as a programming language, except one where as soon as the clock starts every line executes at once, in parallel, and continues executing continuously. Or every block, etc.,…
Dear bloggg, I need to leave you for a little while. Maybe only a few days. Too much annoying stuff going on. I’ve just gotten sucked into administering (fixing, hacking, patching, cleaning out, …) the cexxy forums, and cleaning out the email, and… workness. Seeker arm schmeeker arm, but I know a certain TMSc6713-based board…